Yes but Mark Cuban isn't supporting that
He complains abt the Pharma industry because he's got his own pharma industry (with smaller profit margins) that he is investing in
He's being typical liberal corrupt moderate centrists:
- aptly identify the problem
Doesn't support the actual solution
He complains abt the Pharma industry because he's got his own pharma industry (with smaller profit margins) that he is investing in
He's being typical liberal corrupt moderate centrists:
- aptly identify the problem
Doesn't support the actual solution
A "universal sys" doesn't necessarily mean a single-payer, nor socialized healthcare system
It would sound like he *might* be advocating a sys like Canada's, but my cynic mind says it's a stall tactic (10yrs)
Esp this: "And it has a ton of limits we don't like"
His point, which is true, the Affordable Care Act can absolutely be improved upon after 12+ years. But the "repeal and replace" crowd has never defined a replacement.
I am no fan of the "repeal and replace" crowd. The lack of an actual replacement speaks volumes for the honesty / integrity of that opinion.
The American memory only goes back, depending on the topic, hours to maybe a month🙄
People have completely forgotten the ACA was a compromised 1st step - more were to be enacted but Tea Party/GOP/MAGA over the years (&insc lobbyists) have not helped just blocked or tried to repeal 🤷
Read the section 1930s-1950s in particular the paragraph on wage and price controls.
Yes, our current trashfire was a hack from WWII.
Improving on that would've been a definitive step in a better direction.
He accepted their private campaign funding, traded w taking PublicOption off the table
(He stopped campaigning on it after he declined public funded campaign)
He accepted Repub/Heritage plan in his miscalc to appeal to GOP, to unite all
That's it
Centrists (owned by Big$) falsely smeared it as "tear down & replace" in their service to Big$
Obama also took record high $ from WallSt
He got what he could get through congress.
Why do u apologize for him?
He BEGAN by pre-negotiating away his position
I told you - he gave up public option campaigning in 2008 as soon as he turned down public funding to accept Big$ from insurance, Pharmacy & WallSt
He had both halls of Congress!
Yet he catered to GOP
That's what you're doing is defending the billionaire class.
We fucking have 2 #MedicareForAll bills proposed in recent years
We need to convince asshole idiots like you to support the right cause, and stop licking billionaires' boots
Pamela Jayapal has a bill to get us there in 2yrs
Your want of pragmatism is covered in 2 plans to expand Medicare
That's all that's needed
Mark is pro-stalling & milking profits for his new CostPlus business
Republicans understand the notion of building power
Fucking liberals just love to turn over at the earliest chance, and pre-negotiate away their position to something weak that effectively does little, or provides the opportunities to get undone
Where's your fight?
Do you understand words better if you use your ears?
Or is the problem in your brain?