Just a reminder … Australian preferential voting allows you to choose who gets your vote should your first preference not be successful.
Make your vote count, don’t vote for the same old shit.
#auspol #CarnAustraliaGetYourShitTogether
#FuckMurdoch #Greens #Teals
Make your vote count, don’t vote for the same old shit.
#auspol #CarnAustraliaGetYourShitTogether
#FuckMurdoch #Greens #Teals
Scrutinising an electorate vote count in Oct,(QLD), it was disheartening to see to see how many voted 1-7⬇️ the ticket in order.
Unfortunately here, LNP was top, followed by One Nation and The Legalise Cannibas Party third.
The one nation preference went to LNP.
The preference decided.
Ps Aust - don’t waste your vote!
I don’t give a damn about preference deals. I number the boxes. Simple.
Preferential voting too precious to waste on shit parties.
Given the 2022 outcome, please explain how I prevent my 2PP vote being either given to Israel Genocide Apologist Dreyfus or towards scumbag Dutton's LNP. The only possible solution here for me is an informal vote so I know I wasn't at least complicit in this farce.
We can all choose how we preference.
If the LNP gets a hold of government, along with their masters, you can kiss our democracy goodbye.
In some three cornered (LNP/Lab/Indi) contests, voting 1 Labor, 2 Indi will see the LNP elected as whoever is in 3rd place will have their votes reallocated and many Indi votes will go back to the LNP.
Safer to vote 1 Indi, 2 Labor.
You have options so let’s eradicate the problem.
No more #NegativeNelly.
Let’s target the ones they can lose.