How does it do with pdfs? It looks very cool...when looking it up to buy I see I cannot buy it if I am in Russia, China, Venezuela or Hong Kong. LOL, they don't have android e-reader technology there?
I Only have one book right now that is a PDF, and the only way the font is big enough for me to read it is in landscape mode, but it's doable... I think I have some pdfs on my phone I'll email myself kne and look ....
Darn, I guess readers still haven't figured out the pdf thing I guess...years ago I just got frustrated with that and moved to a tablet. Readers are so much better! But most of my stuff is on pdf.
Kindles pretty much run android too, I just don't know if they run full android, and if you can really put all different apps on them ... Maybe now you can, I'm not sure.
LOL, I am not in any of those places. I bought mine in New York, got it open box used a little cheaper.
Kindles are also a lot cheaper. Unfortunately, the idea of buying anything Amazon-dependent just gives me the heebie jeebies. I'd rather go without or pay much more. I'm too lazy to figure out another way to watch TV without the prime set up so I can't want TV now...ha ha ha.
If you've ever used a kindle you know that these things just aren't snappy like our phones are ...
So you couldn't really game on it, for example... But crossword puzzles and things like sudoku you could ...and I do.
It runs full android. I'm on an android phone anyway so I'm very used to it.
I have a kindle somewhere, but I haven't seen it in a while + I figure it's old anyway, I was thinking of getting a new one, then saw this.
I really like it. It runs android and I've always been an android user. I'm quite enjoying it.
Now I can check social media or surf the web in full sunlight...
& not a battery hog.
Most of the books I have downloaded I got for free somewhere, and I guess that was the only format I could find it in.
It's fine in landscape, in scroll mode
I do have an app on my Samsung phone called pro PDF reader and I open PDF docs on it and they look really good.
Since the device is android you could download a PDF reading app....
LOL, I am not in any of those places. I bought mine in New York, got it open box used a little cheaper.
I have 3 on it right now I'm trying to figure out which one I like best...
I love the size. I always found my kindle to be too big. I like the whole one-handed holding thing...
So you couldn't really game on it, for example... But crossword puzzles and things like sudoku you could ...and I do.
Avail in black too.