Happy to die on this hill.
Reposted from
Fryda Wolff
Severance works because anticipation builds on weekly episodes. It reinforces that binging and full season releases ruined television and writing for TV.
especially for being correct.
I agree with this broadly and/but the current era of the internet makes it hard for any show to sustain its monocultural status.
Dumping ten hours of TV at midnight doesn't make any buzz
It's the difference between enjoying and thinking about a show for a few months, or enjoying it in a weekend and then forgetting you even wathed it
ahhh the old days...
I'm tired of someone else deciding the pace at which I'm supposed to watch something. I just wait until all the episodes are released. Some shows I watch in a weekend. Some I watch one or two eps at a time. But it's my call, nobody else's.
netflix did it right, these weekly releases are trash
OTOH, Breaking Bad got more popular once seasons 1-3 went to Netflix. Binging gives new fans a chance to catch up.
I think there's programs that work fine on the binge model, but severance is not one of them.
Quirky comedies, kids shows, the best British baking show, I'll binge those and it doesn't change my enjoyment.