@warnock.senate.gov: "If they're interested in waste, fraud, and abuse, they should start with co-president Musk's own companies, and ask why has he gotten $20 billion and more from the federal government. This is wealth-fare at its worst."
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And it’s interesting which veterans are losing their jobs. Last I heard, the MAGA white supremacists from the military who targeted me had simply transitioned to different positions, not lost their jobs.
if politicians really cared about "the people" they would have permanently tied minimum wage to the cost of living which would have put an end to this class war bullsh*t a long time ago. feeding your own ego is not service ....
Yep. The red states were ripe 4 the MAGA cult & misinformation because of their state’s low minimum wages and our totally deplorable healthcare. Low income masses in relative poor health getting relative low education compared to blue states are not good decision-makers and are ripe for exploitation
It’s amazing that average net income in the U.S. is only around $65K based on how much rent/home ownership costs in places with livable wage jobs (jobs not at a truck stop or Super Walmart). Also, housing is bizarrely expensive in most of those more rural places compared to wages.
but he NEEDS that money to innovate with tesla and spaceX!
cause without those subsidies he would go bankrupt!
hes barely survive right now, as it is, he is only the richest man in the world, give him some slack!
This is the new Republican battleplan against Americans. It's called TRICKLE DOWN SUPPRESSION. It works in every industry. 1. Stop the flow of money to the industry. 2. This stops the flow of service to American citizens. 3. The industry collapses. 4. People loose their jobs, homes and credit.
Musk isn't eliminating waste fraud and abuse, he's eliminating the people and departments that were investigating his businesses, and destroying 10s of thousands of American people's lives doesn't matter to him, he doesn't care about America or the American people.
There is a lot of wealth-fare in the USA. They could save billions by not supporting big private companies so they get richer and everyone else doesn't.
We need to quit accepting that Musk, his Pimple Platoon and the whole "DOGE" dodge has anything to do with waste/fraud. It is to facilitate one thing and that is to dismantle the government by disabling it so that Trump can declare a national emergency, institute martial law and be crowned.
And, when eventually those dismantled government services need to be restored, a few fat contract with Musk and co. won’t go astray. Old oligarchs’ trick…
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Elon knows the world of EV's is changing, the competition is increasing and surpassing Tesla in every way. So, what does Elon do, he buys a new business where he can make $Billions selling our government fantasies about space exploration and Mars.
Kamala told u repeatedly! They wrote it all out for us. NO 1SHOULD B UNPREPARED( vs 1st 2 mos of Biden: GOT USA HEALTHY! Opened all schools & jobs! Gave U 2 CHECKS!In 2years HE GOT USA MANUFACTURING & INFRASTRUCTURE! Expanded NATL PARKS! No recession! Ungrateful MFers!)
Join the fight for democracy! 🗳️ On Saturday, April 5, 2025, stand up against corruption and reclaim our voice. Join nation-wide protests & sit-ins in all 50 states. Let's make a difference together!
And there is more to it: Now, musk and several other execs continue to grossly mis representing AI, by overstating it's capabilities. AI is a great tool to assist people, rare replacement in gov services.
Humans are quite complex w individual needs & AI is a script w limited functionality.
The argument needs to be that the richer you are the more waste given to you, the poorer you are the more they take. We have seen economist charts etc on this but that is abstract for folks. Make it direct and simple. The greedier and richer you are the more you are seeking to abuse the system.
I for instance have not dropped out of X because:
1. I can get excellent uptodate information in areas that interest me.
2. I want to place post like the above where they are challenging and a provocation to those that think differently.
How do I “play into his scheme” with that, and what scheme?
Serious question - does Muskie give ANY of his wealth to charity? In history, there have been many people who had more money than they could ever spend themselves but they built libraries, contributed to the arts, fed the hungry etc. He seems to do nothing for others but sow hate.
This is the America First they're going for.
Government is supposed to care for citizens over corporations.
Fascism is ti support Corporations over citizens.
It's easy when you see it written out, but when you hear it passively on the news (and don't have the ability to rewind it) as most people will at home, I've got to imagine that the more succinct and explicit word "corruption" would be better.
It appears that SpaceX is just a grift built around a hopeless product. And it is a grift costing US taxpayers tens of billions of $$$, at least. And their Republic.
SpaceX hasn't even hit the first promised milestone in their contracts with NASA. Like everything Musk does, it's all vaporware and lies. They only got the contract because the director of NASA unilaterally awarded the contract and she went to SpaceX.
Dems have accepted the Repub/Trump Waste/Fraud/Abuse ("WFA") narrative. Actually WFA is much greater in private corporations than in the federal government, and the main WFA in fedgov is linked to large private corporations.
Agreed. Just call it what it is - *corruption and self-enrichment*. Americans can understand that. Every bit of 'waste/fraud/abuse' Republicans have gone after in the last 20 years is actually just functional govt systems that they don't like and don't want to pay for.
I think we're seeing multiple factions right now getting what they paid for - you've got Big Money that is eager to kill off fuctional govt as competition in favor of privatization, and you've got several sets of ideologues who really do want a federal govt small enough to 'drown in a bathtub'.
Actually, the problem is that our politicians failed us over and over creating a mistrust of politicians and a frustration and anger in many that just took off. If politicians really cared, we would already have universal health care, education would be a priority, vets would be cared about and ..
if politicians really cared about "the people" they would have permanently tied minimum wage to the cost of living which would have put an end to this class war bullshit a long time ago. feeding your own ego is not service ....
Going to the Super Bowl and Daytona with your buddies on the tax payers’$ is waste- and fraud because none of them know anything about either one of these sports. As for Musk and his $20 million gift from the feds- make it a loan- he can pay it back w/interest.
Musk has a lot to tell, he has to keep him satisfied until the right moment arrives. Musk surely knows he's on borrowed time. If not then he's a bigger fool then most.
I mean, he probably is on borrowed time, but it's a pretty good strategy to pin down all the long-term contracts he can as fast as he can and dismantle all the regulatory agencies.
It'll take years to sort this, assuming the Democrats even try. The money will all be thoroughly laundered by then.
the companies are owned by a slew of the billionaires who donated to him...never forget that Peter Thiel's money is woven into this very much (he just lurks in the shadows & lets Elon take the attention) but Andreesson, Bezos, Ackman, David Sacks, the Uihleins, Zuckerberg & others too
Wondering if that photo op of the school children signing the end of the Department of Education contained all Musk's children. After all, there are at least 13 of them that we know of.
Actually, why not look at the actual contracts instead of blather and rhetoric? Supporting NASA and providing StarLink services make up the majority of funding. Not sure what value Warnock has provided during his time in Congress?
Why is a private corporation branded Space-X stealing government funding from the government organization NASA? Why does shit like this constantly happen in America?
Waste and welfare... Look at military industrial complex, look at farmers subsidies, look at gas subsidies, look at space programme subsidies..... Look at the salaries and benefits of congressmen and senators.... Common sense....
This is really the core of the issue of getting people to understand what is happening, is making them aware of that extrodinary gulf between what they're saying and what they're doing.
Every discussion I've tried to have has resulted in arguing against repeated Trump posts and Fox news lines.
20 billion.I think we’ve gotten so used to hearing these huge numbers that we’ve numbed ourselves.
Musk has abused us by taking everything,our private data.The contracts should be canceled & the $20 billion given back. And that is just a start.
For all those deluded poor ppl fearing the idea of "reparations" coming out of THEIR pockets ... THIS is where it should come from. These are the descendants of those who took everyone's (yours too poor ytea ppl!) labor and generational wealth. Reparations for us is also reparations for you. But NO.
Hatchman should explain why 5 agencies dropped all the investigations: Labor, Transportation, EPA, Agriculture and SEC. I believe all the Inspectors General at those agencies where fired (ps correct me here...)https://apnews.com/article/musk-tesla-nhtsa-trump-doge-4bab2919c4ee222ba793648163639947
Billionaire Commerce Secretary Says Seniors Wouldn't Mind Missing Social Security Checks.
This is the Nonsense We Get From Billionaires running the Government Because They Have No Clue How Working Class Families Survive.
Time To Give The Government Back To the People.
People Power.
Just impeach Trump! If enough "MAGA hostages" decide to push back from voter rage, they most certainly start to save themselves and vote with Democrats! We only need a couple of Republicans to do the right thing. If they stand up now, they could be credited for saving America from Demented Donnie!
Why would anyone campaign for the most powerful position, and then sublet all the duties to the richest hyperactive twit in the known world?
Oh yeah: To stay out of prison.
Here's hoping that strategery fails.
That's the best idea yet ... all of Elon's companies should be banned from new contracts with the Government while he's leading DOG E. Tell me how he's allowed to boot Verizon off the FAA contract and install Starlink.
We should put Musk in a Cybertruck and launch him to the moon and sell tickets to help bring down the national debt. I know millions of Americans will pay to see that. National debt problem solved. You’re welcome
As an advertising/branding guy “Wealthfare” is a word we need to rally around and make a thing.
“They’re more concerned with their Wealthfare than our welfare.”
Hang it around their necks and make them own it.
cause without those subsidies he would go bankrupt!
hes barely survive right now, as it is, he is only the richest man in the world, give him some slack!
Musk isn't eliminating waste fraud and abuse, he's eliminating the people and departments that were investigating his businesses, and destroying 10s of thousands of American people's lives doesn't matter to him, he doesn't care about America or the American people.
Let’s get that into the public discourse loud and clear
And they have to file financial disclosure forms if they are paid. Some of the DOGE people are drawing $167K per year.
18 U.S.C. § 202 (a)
(I would call them "outlaws," but those MFers would wear the moniker like a badge of honor)
Get banners: https://antimagaclub.com
#Protest #Democracy
Humans are quite complex w individual needs & AI is a script w limited functionality.
cc @sanders.senate.gov @aoc.bsky.social
Those contracts do pay off.
People should focus on bad things Elon does.
1. I can get excellent uptodate information in areas that interest me.
2. I want to place post like the above where they are challenging and a provocation to those that think differently.
How do I “play into his scheme” with that, and what scheme?
Government is supposed to care for citizens over corporations.
Fascism is ti support Corporations over citizens.
Get it yet?
DC and Nationwide (more locations still being added)
Bring friends 🌱💕🦋 to fight back against Trump/Musk power grab.🔥🙏
Did you know
Dems keep letting Trump set the narrative.
stand with
Bernie Sanders
But I prefer Senator Warnock’s “wealthfare.”
Love this man!
People taking it seriously that reducing it is their agenda are unwitting contributors to their gaslighting.
They want to gut government, period.
And nobody blinks? WTF?
It'll take years to sort this, assuming the Democrats even try. The money will all be thoroughly laundered by then.
too, wasn't he? 🤔🤓
Why'd Musk go after the regulators of his industries first? Why'd he go after the SEC? Why's he so desperate for the Verizon faa money?
He's a corporate welfare queen looking to keep his scam running while the wheels (literally) are starting to fall off his businesses.
#ImpeachTrump #FireElon #HandsOffVets #AntiOligarchy
#Antifa #HandsOffSocialSecurity #HandsOffMedicare #HandsOffMedicaid
Just sayin'
This shall not, CANNOT STAND!!
Save Our Social Security!!!
What are they hiding?
Every discussion I've tried to have has resulted in arguing against repeated Trump posts and Fox news lines.
Musk has abused us by taking everything,our private data.The contracts should be canceled & the $20 billion given back. And that is just a start.
We have had a peek at what they’re wanting to do, just briefly in their leaked,blueprint: Project2025.
Follow the Constitution!!
Maybe hacked the Epstien files...?
Churches don’t pay taxes & haven’t for 200+ years.
Trump, Putin, Warnock, Jeffries, Kavanaugh, Barrett, Roberts, Alito, Rubio, Cruz, Pelosi, ect.
All in the same tax-exempt, anti-intellectual,
Nat-C cult of
The culprit of waste, fraud & abuse.
👇 Here is a great place to start with
Tools, Resources & Actions vs Fascism
Today’s Agenda: https://resistancekitty.com/day-61-agenda/
#Revolution2025 #50501Movement #Anonymous #NAFO #maydayprotest #teslatakedown
This is the Nonsense We Get From Billionaires running the Government Because They Have No Clue How Working Class Families Survive.
Time To Give The Government Back To the People.
People Power.
Social media is filled with HATE, IG & X influencers should announce to women to cease online dating over fears of women's safety.
Oh yeah: To stay out of prison.
Here's hoping that strategery fails.
that's a term whose time has come