Lots of people making bizarre comments on this app & falling apart over the cabinet positions.
1. Can you name all 37 cabinet ministers and parliamentary secretaries?
2. Do you realize it’s a war time cabinet?
3. Do you understand this is for probably 2 weeks?
1. Can you name all 37 cabinet ministers and parliamentary secretaries?
2. Do you realize it’s a war time cabinet?
3. Do you understand this is for probably 2 weeks?
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Falling apart over a cabinet that will last 2 weeks is weak and silly.
So they can continue to run ads to educate Canadians about how #PensionThiefPeePee is trying to steal:
-our healthcare
-our pension
-our right to a living wage
-our country
-our future
Just a heads up. People stay home instead of voting over these types of concerns.
They better like a Pollievre cabinet/government more because thats what's on the line.
We have 2 choices. It's not pretty. That's how Trump got in.
I don't yet know how to search Bluesky as well as I could Twitter. CBC posted the CPAC presser it's 20min.
I’ll see if I can find it.
I often agree with EM.
The problem is the cpc is run by completely untrustworthy ppl
Karina Gould was in cabinet- nobody knew who she was apparently.
My point is, this faux outrage is silly.
I agree about the faux outrage.
People manufacturing fake issues so they have something to complain about.
Gee that sounds familiar.
Seeing major union leaders and advocacy groups melting down is aggravating, it’s just frustrating. Being on the brink of trump north with ppl who will bring in cdn version of doge/ project 2025 is worrisome.
Pisses me off the disinformation that entire departments/programs have ceased to exist.
We are the adults in the room.
a lot of things.
Then again, that's what they do, so, I guess, normal????
Carney is our wartime consigliere, let's see what he can do.
If they win and he forms govt - then complain about who is cabinet and who is not
I even heard ppl c/o lack of gender parity. There’s 23- it’s impossible to have parity
It’s just ridiculous
I get it, there are a couple I wish were there too, but the guy hasn't even had a chance to get started ffs, also we will end up so much worse if Conservatives win.
Want a different party next time, bitching won't help, get them better leaders!
As in, right now, we are in a war.
A couple of months ago, not so much.
Right now.
We are in a war.
We are in a war.
Why does "being at war" mean we eliminate these positions? I can't make head or tail of it, sorry
And focused cabinet on here and she’s very governmentally uneducated! She keeps spreading trauma bait and it’s so crazy! She has a shit ton of followers and insists on berating women who don’t support her views. Very frustrating!
First ppl fell apart over the CoS named
Now this small cabinet
We need to organize and mobilize like our lives depend on it.