uh oh, someone ordered a QuantiFERON—what the heck is a mitogen & who's nil? what do ➕, ➖, & indeterminate results mean?
a pragmatic #meded 🧵 re: the definition, indication(s), & interpretation of the #QuantiFERON (QFT) test👇
#TBSky #IDSky
a pragmatic #meded 🧵 re: the definition, indication(s), & interpretation of the #QuantiFERON (QFT) test👇
#TBSky #IDSky
so the test [Quanti]fies inter[FERON]-γ release: how is this helpful?
IFN-γ prdxn = "hey, I have seen these antigens before!"
so what is IFN-γ?
MTB inhalation ➡️ phagocytosis by alveolar Mφ ➡️ IFN-γ prdxn ➡️ T cell recruitment/activation ➡️ ↑ IFN-γ prdxn ➡️ immune cell recruitment ➡️ granuloma formation
to QFT!
QFT is a screen for prior MTB exposure; its strongest indication is as a screening test for (latent) TB infection (infxn) in epidemiologically high-risk populations, especially when a ➕ test may lead to treatment to ↓ risk of active disease (dz)
- a ➕ test cannot distinguish bw (latent) TB infxn & (active) TB dz
all test results = probability titrations!
sensitivity & specificity vary widely by tested population (eg, US vs India); here are some ranges:
4 values: mitogen, nil, TB1, & TB2 (pic)
@ bottom, mitogen is a nonspecific (not TB) stimulator of T cell proliferation (➕ control): it should be >2 IU/mL, but ↑er = better!
↑ mito = this pt's T cells can proliferate & release IFN-γ *in general*
Additional key point often misunderstood by non specialists: a +ve QFT usually STAYS +ve after effective treatment/recovery.
So meaningless test in context of prior TB or LTBI.
Just because you recovered doesn't mean T cells forget the antigens (that is kind of the point of immunity!)
2. Not subject to inter observer variability (20mm vs 2mm easy, 9mm vs 10mm...?)
3. Only needs one visit
4. Doesn't need specially trained nurses HCW to see patients to do test
The IGRA was first used in 1992 (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1554334/) in predominately NT herds. It was then marketed as human test from 1995ish, and is now up to it's 4th gen.