MPs need to put aside their personal agendas on this topic and reflect the will of the people - a referendum would have been better but we aren’t offered that. We surely are a mature enough country to allow dignity at the end of life?
I can't think of anything more prone to slipping than the bureacratisation of death. It's inevitable that attitudes towards every vulnerable group will change if this Bill passes.
I think the argument against is more about the fact that there's been issues in many countries that have it. And that it's likely to mean easy death but poor health and social care, as well as being dangerous for vulnerable people.
Oh and that the experts working in palliative care oppose it.
Personally I have no experience...even at 68 to judge one way or another. My grandparents died from strokes/pneumonia and my father from cancer. But he never said anything about wanting to end it.
So I have no real feelings one way or another. I'm sure you're right...someone will misuse it
I think the survey of palliative doctors in the UK was telling (83% against 6% for). I also don't see what this law would solve? It serves those with capacity who are adults, so excludes certain people. I think it's possibly ableist. So it's the idea that people shouldn't be a burden?
Or shouldn't suffer etc. children and those deemed to have limited capacity will still need the other services. And they'll be reduced as the state stealthily supports the easy option over the expensive ones. Then we'd have an even bigger problem as Tories love killing the disabled almost as much..
If faced with a dire situation like a terminal illness, severe pain, and only weeks to live, I would opt for assisted dying. Those who wouldn't should have access to high-quality palliative care.
In the UK, winter fuel allowance, cut, benefits to families with starving children, cut.
Who is next. Yes, its a slippery slope, in the hands of very slippery people.
Then the other.."wtf do we do with the hypocratic oath and the poor old medical staff?"
Iva already said that when the time comes I want to go to Dignitas ....but via the Toblerone Factory....
Oh and that the experts working in palliative care oppose it.
So I have no real feelings one way or another. I'm sure you're right...someone will misuse it