Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ah Ah Ah Ah AahhhhAahAHHHHHHHHHARGRGRHRGRGRGRH Democracy in the USA is fucked. These are the men with the power to stop sycophants and bullies and bloodthirsty fascists takin the highest positions in government - and they're doing their best not to use that power. Tee hee
Cue Wonder Years voiceover: “In that moment, I realized I truly was above the law. I can keep battering the boundaries because no structure is solid—they all have cracks. As long as you keep at it, something, somewhere, somehow, is bound to give.” Fade to Turn! Turn! Turn!
Fair elections and voting really are done for good in this country, aren't they. He's a fscking criminal and we all know it despite govt being too dadgum lame to sue him into oblivion.
As much as I struggle to believe it, I will end up hating Trump even more.
Is anyone able to bring that criminal to justice ?!?!?
There was never a case.
There was just hate.
Now, there will be revenge.
I could see a Special Counsel named Matt Gaetz.
F’cking Merrick Garland 🤯