Not sure why you cannot access Google (maid+canada+issues) to find a plethora of articles, sorry for being prickly but I’m used to being abused by trolls on X concerning this issue. If however you’re a rare soul who is asking in good faith, you can start here:
I am asking in good faith. You seem to have a strong opinion and perspective and so I thought instead of randomly seeing what Google serves (who knows what that’ll be these days) I’d start with your perspective
I’m sorry I have ptsd from the other place. It’s a troubling issue and they keep wanting to expand it to more segments of the population including treatable mental illness and minors. I support it for those with a foreseeable death unreservedly.
While in Toronto, Canada. The school of Public Health, University of Toronto canceled this program: “A good death for all: what would it take”? By Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Alex Jadad, physician, epidemiologist, philosopher
As someone who has watched multiple family members suffer, I've always been in support of the freedom of choice for anyone who has to make this incredibly difficult decision for themselves.
I can't imagine how conflicted these elected officials are, but this is ultimately a vote about freedom.
I’m pretty sure this happens unofficially all the time. The nurses in my mother’s hospice cranked up the morphine until she was gone. They knew exactly when we would need to be there, so we wouldn’t miss the end. I felt bad for them having to take those decisions in secret. Or maybe I misunderstood? should be very proud of her incredible work in bringing this bill to the house. Whichever way the house votes today ( I hope they approve) she has advanced the debate. #dignity
I know people in my circle who are against assisted suicide. It's weird seeing them change their minds once they see a need in people they love. The law should have the foresight that many people lack. Asking for a dignified exit when every other option is lost should be a given.
This week in Flanders, a politician from a conservative far-right party - known for opposing and consistently voting against assisted suicide - chose to make use of it themselves. It's a stark reminder of how easy it is to oppose something when it doesn't personally affect you...
We cannot safeguard against greed. Coersion from family members is subtle, subliminal and pernicious. Assisted suicide for the few wealthy middle classes should not take precedence over the many vulnerable
I can't imagine how conflicted these elected officials are, but this is ultimately a vote about freedom.
Pierre Elliot Trudeau
( Nor does it have a place in your uterus, or at your chosen last rites)
Lots of 'slippery-,slope', 'need more time', 'NHS can't afford it', when provably all these points have been addressed.
Still no explanation of Danny Kruger's £55,000 funding from US of A.