The media is failing us credit where it isn't due. What is tht likelihood that Mexico actually organized this operation in a week???...after a call with Trump???
Can you maybe keep unrelated posturing out of the headline? It makes false connections. Biden has been working amicably with Mexico, without blustering threats, and the crossing and drug seizure results have been noticible for a while. Trump is just yelling. He is always yelling. He has no role here
We need to get that under control
Trump will rip more infants off the breast of desperate women and more kids will be graped in their kid jails ..ugh. That's what I don't believe should be the price
There better be some actual, sourced journalism explaining the connection between these two events...Or hmm is this lazy, bogus writing? Not something I have associated with The Guardian thus far.
This has nothing to do with trump’s threat and is irresponsible journalism to present it as such. Take downs of this sort take years of investigation and months of planning. Why didn’t you say Under the Biden Administration, Mexico…?
Only times I see what they print or air are references in posts here. Stopped watching any tv crap because they are incompetent, can’t ask a sensible followup question, and confront disinformation with ‘I guess we’ll just leave it at that.’
They don’t know/care what 1,200 programs are going away.
That strong man imbecile Donald Trump saved the day, despite doing nothing of the sort, cause all US media is now completely sycophantic access driven cowards who appear to be very welcoming of our new fascist overlords.
This is a gross headline Guardian. Do better. I mean you are here for the clicks right? But seriously. There are humans working at the company right? Then step up and do the right thing. These are baseless conclusions. Gross
Hehe, choking off the pipeline of drugs to their biggest market (the US, every single state, let's not lie to ourselves) is sorta genius at this point. I wonder how many politicians and news anchors we're gonna see "under the weather" with obvious withdrawal symptoms?
Large scale investigations take time, longer than 1 week. Such headlines are a reason why media is compliant with fascist's and helping on getting them in power.
Didn't you guys do this before? You put a drug seizure and a line about migrants together in your headline and despite the word separately the impression it's going to leave is that the two are related. That must be obvious to your editorial staff. Do better
Framing events like this as being a result of trump’s empty threats is disingenuous at best. He’s going to spend the next years slapping his name on the Biden administration’s successful policies, and it’s indicative of how trump has spent his entire life: slap his name on it, then bleed it white.
really beginning to think about changing my monthly funding to 0 if you keep this up
Do better!
Trump will rip more infants off the breast of desperate women and more kids will be graped in their kid jails ..ugh. That's what I don't believe should be the price
Trans hate, trump ass licking, bullshit clickbait headlines, insane takes.
They won’t even try.
They don’t know/care what 1,200 programs are going away.