Toxic behavior is on the rise. While raging is a failure in personal responsibility, airline employees are increasingly also lacking in soft skills and use of de-escalation.
Airlines can't own the fact that society is more rude and angry, but they can stop feeding anxiety and anger with rudeness.
Easy, it’s the byproduct of incessant online rage-farming. Make people believe that all rules & regulations exist for the sole purpose of government control of individuals and voilà — instant reactionaries.
Since people started flying again after the worst parts of covid, videos of people getting thrown off of airplanes have become my favorite YouTube genre.
It's called consumerism. We've been brainwashed to believe that the customer is always right. Narcissists then feel even more entitled than they already are. That in addition to airlines treating customers like cattled. Before deregulation, seats were bigger and there were more direct flights.
Cos when you think about it, you're sealed into a metal cylinder, thats hurtling at great speed through the sky and the pilot isn't even steering the thing
Airports + alcohol. I fly a lot for work, the experience is always terrible. Crammed full of people, small spaces (especially CLT) near the gates, often hard to find somewhere to sit. God forbid you get delayed. Then you have folks drinking for a 7 am flight…
Humans are slowly reverting to a survival of the fittest mindset. Probably due to constant social media exposure warning that their way of life is under threat or a decline in living conditions. This breeds selfishness and a false sense of entitlement.
An aeroplane is one of the few places you're confined with other people in cramped conditions, all fighting for the most comfort, the most convenience, and god help anyone who diminishes the experience you've probably paid plenty of money for.
I don’t think holidaymakers having beer (etc) with their full English is a great way to ensure peace onboard a plane. The problem starts with, “Well, we’re on holiday”. Yep, but perhaps two pints of Stella instead of a cuppa tea is not the best of choices.
Some Americans are just assholes. Personal encounter: woman mad, "why do the wheelchair passengers get go first?" She scooted ahead of the wheelchairs on the way to the plane - and took her place in First Class. Bitch. Why do wheelchair passengers always go first? Because they always get off last.
If everything in every dimension is parred down to increase profit, travellers will inevitably feel disrespected and uncomfortable on many levels. Treat people well and their behaviours will improve. Airlines don t seem to care about their customers so their customers don t care about them.
Airlines can't own the fact that society is more rude and angry, but they can stop feeding anxiety and anger with rudeness.
Invasion of personal space
Reduced oxygen levels due to cabin pressure.
(Higher pressures cost the airline more fuel)
Invasion of personal space.
That will almost always be the answer to why we have problems and why we keep attacking each other to fight over scraps.
They keep making flying more expensive while taking away space, comfort, and turn us against each other.
Permission to be nasty. It’s invariably his cult that are the perpetrators.