I can't imagine the joy mixed with trepidation that the majority of Syrians must be feeling right now, I hope that they can build a stable future for themselves
That’s incredible! We in this country are so fortunate. So many take the liberties we have for granted and have no idea what they mean. I’m glad WE understand that freedom is not free and are ready to defend it.
Let's hope this opens up the peaceful transition to a democracy for the Syrian people. The road ahead isn't easy, but finding a peaceful solution for everybody must be on anybodies mind now, especially after so much hatred and bloodshed.
So sad, Damascus had nightlife,
Girls could go dancing (and didn’t need a male family member’s permission), women could work and dress as they wanted, it’s Sharia Law and the barbarism we see in Iran now in Syria - Islamists will subjugate women and the Morality Police will beating women to death
Sure those taking over are largely not Syrian but from those peaceful, tolerant Islamic fundamentalists in Al Qaeda and ISIS - this should advance women’s and minority rights in Syria. Knowing the facts helps…
Girls could go dancing (and didn’t need a male family member’s permission), women could work and dress as they wanted, it’s Sharia Law and the barbarism we see in Iran now in Syria - Islamists will subjugate women and the Morality Police will beating women to death