It’s not really strange at all. Here on Nantucket it’s been a tradition for decades too yet I didn’t find it mentioned at all in your article. Doesn’t seem like much effort was put into it at all
I am a doctor. I've read Moby Dick over 50 times. It's my favorite novel.
What I don't understand, is why so many people who don't like Moby Dick go out of their way to say so. There are quite a few famous novels I don't care for, but I feel no need to go on about it. Chacun à son goût.
I reread all my favorite books because I'm a different person each time I pick them up. I see new angles on the book each time, & I also get to track changes in myself. If eating the same meal, if celebrating the same holiday, over & over, isn't considered excess, why would reading the same book be?
Fiona nailed it. We change around the book, so the truly remarkable books change with us. I've read To Kill a Mockingbird several times. It gets better with every reading.
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Perhaps I should re-read this, my most hated book from high school, with this new slant. But still, would I give a flying leap if a whale is a sophist or a Spartan, or whatever Melville was attempting to do to show off his eruditeness?
What I don't understand, is why so many people who don't like Moby Dick go out of their way to say so. There are quite a few famous novels I don't care for, but I feel no need to go on about it. Chacun à son goût.
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