He doesn't point to a single way Brian Thompson fought to make things better, because there was nothing he ever did that helped anyone but him and his family at the expense of hundreds of millions of people.
Marx: "Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce."
Don't these people literally kill for money? Like what else would you call it? Their entire business model runs on paying out as little as possible, whenever possible, even if it means people don't get life-saving treatment
It works exactly as designed. They screw patients over to fatten the shareholders’ pockets. The whole American healthcare system needs to be torn down and built anew.
Love my national healthcare in my country! After 30 years of the nightmare that is the states and going into medical debt numerous times, I love how you can just go to the hospital for a cold here and sometimes I'm not even charged for anything. My country does healthcare right! 💜
Andrew Witty is a multimillionaire with over $60 million in the bank, plus millions more in shares in UnitedHealth Group Inc. He was also the highest-paid health insurer CEO in 2023, with a compensation package of about $24 million dollars; that's around 350 times more than a UnitedHealth employee.
“We know the health system does not work as well as it should, and we understand people’s frustrations with it. No one would design a system like the one we have. And no one did. It’s a patchwork built over decades,” Witty wrote. “Our mission is to help make it work better.” ... How?
Because it run for profit not for health the worst thing that was ever allowed was them being able to sell stocks and shares because then shareholders are involved and the aim becomes solely making money
Dont worry,conservative pollies in Australia would like nothing better than to dismantle medicare and unfortunately the citizenry may ket that happen in the future
Oh, please. The fact Thompson was killed on the way to address shareholders rather than customers says everything we need to know about this company.
How many execs ever meet the sick people who rely on them? No, they spend their time talking to investors who, like the execs, only want more money.
“As well as it should”? We are in a healthcare crises. Health insurance co’s are overriding Dr’s when they determine that people need surgery. They tell people they can appeal, but every appeal is denied. Insurance companies think they know more than Dr’s when it comes to treating patients.
US Healthcare is a mess by design, not because UH Chief thinks it got there by an oopsie. These Private Corporate Insurance providers have jammed themselves inbetween doctor and patient, making it confusing, hidden, & corrupt so they can rake off billions from clients at their most vulnerable time.
Ya think?? When GREED AND PROFIT are primary motivators rather than the health & well being of paying customers then insurance is a PRO PROFIT BUSINESS NOT A HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY! Health insurance is A BROKEN SYSTEM that NEEDS REFORM just like IMMIGRATION!
Remember that they are only concerned with profits in the short term. They do not think about you and your willingness to raise pitchforks and torch.
They intend to move on from this and try to shift blame to politicians when they're the ones responsible. Oh, and the shareholders as well
“Not as well as it should.” What a condescending load of crap. When your healthcare system works like McDonalds (a for profit commodity masquerading as something tangible with ROI the ultimate motivation), you get the same outcomes: a nation of sickness and obesity.
A lot of corporate BS from the chief. I do feel for the employees that have nothing to do with the policies; they should not be under assault, but the chief is so tone deaf with his trite message.
Meanwhile the deaths of his customers for being denied needed care continue apace. What hypocrisy, and what a scam perpetrated on all media outlets repeating it.
Does not work as well as it should is an understatement. Insurance companies in the US is just a huge rip-off because they are about making money not helping anyone. I would not like to be sick in the US because even if you have insurance that is not a guarantee that you are covered.
He doesn't point to a single way Brian Thompson fought to make things better, because there was nothing he ever did that helped anyone but him and his family at the expense of hundreds of millions of people.
The third time as self-parody.
Make this go viral
it doesn't work at all, it's a total rip-off
How many execs ever meet the sick people who rely on them? No, they spend their time talking to investors who, like the execs, only want more money.
Profits aren’t high enough yet?
Imagine, universal healthcare…
Do not be taken in by smooth talk in advance either.
These jerks are all about the Benjamins.
They intend to move on from this and try to shift blame to politicians when they're the ones responsible. Oh, and the shareholders as well
I suspect that might be the reason why it doesn’t work that well
They're protecting their tribe
Like making for-profit healthcare illegal again?
What has he done to actually help people?