Banking on success because energy policy is controlled by idiots with vested interests, SMR's have no track record and produce much more radioactive waste than large ones (per Kwh) because surface area is a much larger proportion of a small volume, we don't know what the Kwh prices will be,but
they won't be competitive even if the huge waste disposal costs are (as usual) ignored, in fact the only generation that would likely be MORE expensive is large Nuclear, which is also idiocy, huge CO2 emission in construction will not be complete until decades after the electricity is needed.
Nuclear has been stymied for decades by fear mongers resulting in a lack of investment. Now those same people claim it takes too long and is too expensive. If solar had been similarly cancelled in the 1980s people would decry its costs and inefficiency. Baseline nuclear plus majority renewable.
Doesn't matter where people live , the demand is still there. UK imports Nuclear Generated Electricity from France & exports Renewable electricity back through Interconnectors.Generation is a Global issue.Theres even a proposal to Import PV Generated Electricity from the Sahara via undersea cables.
The nuclear waste argument is misleading. All the nuclear waste created in the world would fit in a few football pitches. Far more of the Earth’s surface is already naturally uninhabitable.
I is still Plutonium - it still poisonous - it ist still Useable for atomic pombs. Even easier than uranium.
The plutonium way ist Pandora’s box and a liability for thousands of years.
And yet they haven’t even built a demonstrator yet in spite of 10 years of pork barrelling.
It’s 9 years away at best. Overpeovisioning of renewables and batteries would be quicker and cheaper.
Banking on success because energy policy is controlled by idiots with vested interests, SMR's have no track record and produce much more radioactive waste than large ones (per Kwh) because surface area is a much larger proportion of a small volume, we don't know what the Kwh prices will be,but
they won't be competitive even if the huge waste disposal costs are (as usual) ignored, in fact the only generation that would likely be MORE expensive is large Nuclear, which is also idiocy, huge CO2 emission in construction will not be complete until decades after the electricity is needed.
Nobody knows how to build them economically at scale, or how to get price-competitive electricity from them.
But they're an excellent way for the private sector to hoover up government grants and research money....
The plutonium way ist Pandora’s box and a liability for thousands of years.
It’s 9 years away at best. Overpeovisioning of renewables and batteries would be quicker and cheaper.