BS! Even the BBC covered it. Consistently. It's all there - documented - for your scrutiny. However, it was the UK government's moral duty to condemn Israel's war crimes on behalf of Britain. They didn't go anywhere near far enough and should have threatened to invade Israel to stop genocide.
It is clear the Guardian supports the creation of Israel by the League of Nations and the ongoing occupation of Palestine. Which was previously the British Mandate of Palestine, just another example of indefensible English imperialism.
They covered it, but still didn’t sufficiently condemn it and still promoted Israel’s point of view, even when the mass slaughter of women and children clearly demonstrated that view was sick and evil.
If they did threaten to invade Israel, Israel could threaten to nuke London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff and other major cities.
Those saying they dragged this out to help Trump need a reality check. Biden could have forced a peace deal at any time last year and chose not too. Let's not forget who enabled this to go on for so long.
Well if world leaders had not supported the genocidal regime, saying they had the right to defend themselves. So many innocent people would still be alive today, their infrastructures would still be standing.
Guardian, I disappointed in your reporting on this breakthrough moment. Specifically, about Trump's involvement in the deal. As you may know, there were allegations that he and Netanyahu dragged this out in order to deprive Biden(and Harris) a "win" before the election to help Trump.
Any communication he and Trump had was in violation of U.S. law. While I understand that lives were being lost, but that trade off comes at the cost of America's stability and of course NATO. Also, Trump is going to let Israel wipe Gaza off the map by letting Netanyahu do what he wants.
I want to know if people are being allowed OUT of that hell hole...and whether anyone is planning on prosecuting those charging thousands for war profiteering.
Finally the good news about the ceasefire. If only it would have been agreed earlier - it would have saved many more hostages and thousands of lives in Gaza.
Palestinians allowed to return to their homes in Gaza? There's nothing left in Gaza. More than 70% has been reduced to rubble. Homes, hospitals, schools, universities. Etc. Etc. There's nothing left. There's not enough intact infrastructure. Return to what, ffs? These people are destitute refugees.
Yeah, but at least they can live peacefully without bomb and gun sounds. Human ability to rebuild their property are amazing. The same applies in areas affected by natural disasters
And that was completely shameful!
And a pox on you evil idiots who support Hamas and Hezbollah. Or regard them as "friends"