Not interested! One more mention of Trump and I'm unsubscribing from the Guardian!
Just F off!
Learn how to do real journalism, and stop focusing on pop gossip non stories from the USA. It's like being as school, he said, she said wahh wahh wahh.
The opposite of the corporate drive towards the #triplebottomline and #ESG? Interesting piece that prompts some big questions - thanks
Thiels' plan is probably more akin to dividing up the world into corporate feudal fiefdoms-A Global Corporate NeoFeudalsim, #GlobalCorporateNeoFeudalism . But I'm sure they have a different Shiny name for it.
Fully exposed is the greed of US capitalism.. it has nothing to do with fairness & decency, money is the only thing that talks .. ordinary Americans are in for a hell of a shock at what’s coming
Just F off!
Learn how to do real journalism, and stop focusing on pop gossip non stories from the USA. It's like being as school, he said, she said wahh wahh wahh.
SHUT UP! We don't care anymore!
Trusts me.
monopoly laws are barely enforced.
The Guardian is a wanking, daft, git-infested pack of knob heads.
These assholes talk in trillions. After a while you have all the money. Then what?
The “plan” (if they have one) is to design an economy that doesn’t actually require humans.
Capitalism was always going to eat itself.