The problem is that a lot of manufacturing companies have now invested in factories in Europe which is bad for the UK. The place I work for now has offices in Ireland. Jumping one way or the other will also cause damage. I hope we do forge closer ties, but people make it sound simple, and it's not.
Most of the English press support him ideologically- and even the ones that don’t still want him around and active for the clicks and soap opera he brings. The media in the US did the same with Trump and look where they are now.
✔️Start the process to rejoin the EU
✔️abolish the House of Lords
✔️renationalise utilities
✔️make the tech bros pay fair tax
✔️encourage entrepreneur’s
✔️abolish the ludicrous hs2
✔️put money into northern rail (I’m from London in case you wonder)
as a disabled person I for one am super happy to be told the financial support from the state that I recieved is going to be cut and I need to get myself back to work! pssst I already work but it doesn't pay enough ;) but thank you for getting behind this government, it's super kind of you.
Bless. You're not haunted by Johnson's "botched Brexit deal". You're haunted by Brexshit. But it's not exactly British to call thing for what they are is it?
Glad you left. You did us in the EU a tremendous favour when you finally packed your bags. We deserve better.
Spot on . The disaster known as Brexit was the charnel house for the last 5 Tory PMs and is about to be the same to Starmer . Until a Politician of either side is honest enough to call for and lead Rejoin - the economy will flounder . There is no other relationship- you are in or you are out
Sounds simple, but the UK does not even meet EU accession criteria and was unable to do so during its entire 40 years of membership. Just lucky to be already in. The UK needs a radical change to make that possible. It could even mean that the UK has to adopt a written constitution.
Not really.
It’s about negotiation, trust & diplomacy. If you think it’s simply a matter of asking & being allowed in - you have a lot to experience in life.
We had a very good thing, the Tories (& external parties) destroyed it.
Will people remember that?
They need to be more aggressive. The could offer a referendum. They could formally ask to get into the single market. There are baby steps in that direction they aren’t taking.
You can’t be more aggressive when you have no cards.You can’t even bluff, bc the “other side” know your hand. That’s why the Tories could never get a decent trade deal. You are playing poker with an open hand.
They are taking baby steps, but we cannot see them all. There is a matter of timing too.
Well they need to move up their timetable before we are put in the uncomfortable position of Trump invading Greenland (Denmark) having to choose sides. I’m all for a referendum in 6 weeks.
To be clear, I do have my criticisms of Labour, but I give them the benefit of the doubt bc I can appreciate just how difficult it is & I am not at the discussions! It must be 100x more difficult.
People (did & still do) underestimate the massive trouble we are in.
It’s massive.
Starting point, what sector of the nation improved over the 14 years of Tory leadership?
What sector improved as a result of financing?
That means all those services are declining … still.
Chalk it up to foreign destructive influence and ask the EU to pretend it never happened. Make it come with conditions to combat misinformation and truth in media for good measure.
No. You don’t get to hold a vote saying you’re culturally and ethnically superior, and accuse us of stealing your jobs and come live off of unearned benefits, and then just come back like nothing happened. Go on. Flourish on your own. Make all your clever trade deals without us holding you back.
One can understand that sentiment wholeheartedly. However millions of us didn't vote to leave. Millions of us find the views of Farage and his ilk completely abhorrent and have never signed up for his little Englander bullshit.
The sun does not speak for the majority. The sun appeals to the hard of thinking, beer bellied bar room shit talkers, who's every argument can be destroyed with hard facts.
I'd agree with you, but the British were led by a pack of lies. We were promised a better future, with more wealth, without the EU. Who wouldn't want that? Except it was all bullshit orchestrated by toxic patriotism.
It's no wonder there wasn't a willingness to let the people vote on a deal. There really wasn't any oven-ready plan. The promise of sorting it out later lead to nothing but despair and chaos. Half-hearted attempts to reset aren't honest or effective. Face it, ditch Brexit, and Rejoin EFTA/EU asap.
UK voted to leave the European Union by 51.89% for Leave to 48.11% for Remain, a margin of 3.78%. This corresponded to 17,410,742 votes to leave and 16,141,241 to remain, a margin of 1,269,501 votes.
Just saying 'let it rest' is disingenuous, because you're talking as if all those that voted to leave, would still vote to leave, and would have voted to leave if they actually knew the consequences, and weren't scammed with false alleged consequences of remaining.
It was Heath's Tory government. Thatcher, surprisingly, was also very pro-EU and would have voted Remain. Most of the anti-EU rhetoric of the time came from Tony Benn, whose protege Jeremy Corbyn later became the first to call for the signing of Article 50, the day after the result.
In 2014, Switzerland voted to leave the EU by 52-48, but the prime minister thought that the result was too close and the idea too stupid to take seriously and he just ignored it, leading to the 2016 Schengen agreement.
That’s the problems with non-binding referendums
It’s a government at the time that is responsible for implementing or not
If it’s voted for but not implemented -just a huge waste of money
It was non-binding then made binding, which to me looks illegal. Also, the election was actually extended for three days for 'reasons', leading to a massive last minute door-knocking campaign on housing estates.
Well see it from the bright site. The strong feeling as beeing different from the mainland is also a warrant that outlander Musk's tiresome meddling in national politics will never gain traction in the UK.
It’s not just “Johnson’s ‘botched Brexit deal’” that haunts us - it’s all of it.It was a non-starter!!It doesn’t make economic sense. It confounds common sense. From Farage, to Gove,Truss, Sunak, back to May who inexplicably rushed to trigger a50 & all those who voted for it - that’s what haunts us.
The EU refused any Brexit talks before triggering art. 50. Which makes sense, otherwise the EU would be negotiating with itself. That is he well-known explication.
It’s ruined the economy, divided society, & wrecked families & friendships.
Johnson proposing Brexit haunts us, not his botched deal. There was no deal that would not have hurt us.Btw the Guardian’s Larry Elliott was all for it.
Then there is the matter of our taxes-just exactly where did it all go?
It’s Starmer’s Brexit now. The compound damage of losing access to a SM & CU of 500,000,000 is a big percentage hit to UK GDP every year. Yes, EVERY YEAR. The damage is compounding. Why on earth is Starmer choosing to jog along with the WORST mistake of the last Tory govt? Make it make sense. Idiot.
Travelling around the UK you can see the decline in stark contrast to improving infrastructure across a lot of Europe. Brexit was tragically mis sold to an uninformed electorate by a rich elite and some on the far left who were naive in the extreme about the consequences.
✔️Start the process to rejoin the EU
✔️abolish the House of Lords
✔️renationalise utilities
✔️make the tech bros pay fair tax
✔️encourage entrepreneur’s
✔️abolish the ludicrous hs2
✔️put money into northern rail (I’m from London in case you wonder)
I could go on
They do but it takes time. Like a bank account.
Spending £100,000 is far easier than saving £100,000.
People don’t have patience anymore bc they’ve been brainwashed by Musk, Trump, Instagram & the US.
Glad you left. You did us in the EU a tremendous favour when you finally packed your bags. We deserve better.
Wait til you see what Murdoch has been up to for 40+years.
Full membership. Adopt the Euro and everything.
Sure, Jacob Rees Mogg might lose some of his fortune, but someone has to make sacrifices...
It’s about negotiation, trust & diplomacy. If you think it’s simply a matter of asking & being allowed in - you have a lot to experience in life.
We had a very good thing, the Tories (& external parties) destroyed it.
Will people remember that?
They are taking baby steps, but we cannot see them all. There is a matter of timing too.
It’s massive.
Starting point, what sector of the nation improved over the 14 years of Tory leadership?
What sector improved as a result of financing?
That means all those services are declining … still.
So I KNOW you can do better than simply repeating the headline in your text box. It’s annoying. Do better please.
UK voted to leave the European Union by 51.89% for Leave to 48.11% for Remain, a margin of 3.78%. This corresponded to 17,410,742 votes to leave and 16,141,241 to remain, a margin of 1,269,501 votes.
Why let it rest if some of those who were tricked, now realise we should be back in the EU?
It's clear that not being in the EU is basically imposing an extra tax on ourselves and making all our services shitter.
Why didn't you let that original decision rest?
Was it because you felt the situation had changed?
Has the situation changed since 2016?
It’s a government at the time that is responsible for implementing or not
If it’s voted for but not implemented -just a huge waste of money
Johnson proposing Brexit haunts us, not his botched deal. There was no deal that would not have hurt us.Btw the Guardian’s Larry Elliott was all for it.
Then there is the matter of our taxes-just exactly where did it all go?