This is pathetic. What a waste of taxpayers money. Part of the CPS test to decide if something should go to court is ‘is it in the public interest?’. The clear answer here is no.
The UK has never pretended to grant free speech as we define it in America, but this case just boggles the mind. It might be profane (though the C-word is very common there), but it's certainly not threatening.
This is absurd and does nothing but send people into the arms of Reform. What the hell were the CPS thinking. Ps if I was being convicted for this I'd make sure it said "Trump" after
I want one of those stickers for my bicycle, aimed at the boy racers that nearly killed me when they overtook me on a junction last year and then immediately cut left across me at speed.
They were clearly idiotic, selfish cunts, and surely would have benefited from such sound, paternal advice.
You've recreated her bumper sticker,
"don't be a cunt."
in your article. I presume you're now waiting for the old bill to knock on your door.
As should I?
What a ludicrous waste of public money
Yet rap and songs on national radio stations all over promote misogyny and treating women as water slides.
In Ireland, the C word is a multi purpose term of anger for stupidity or affection for a friend. For example “Happy Birthday ya big cunt ye.” Or “What did ye do that for ye stupid cunt?”
To whom ?
? English legal system being an ass ?
however, I think you've nailed it!
They were clearly idiotic, selfish cunts, and surely would have benefited from such sound, paternal advice.
"don't be a cunt."
in your article. I presume you're now waiting for the old bill to knock on your door.
As should I?
What a ludicrous waste of public money
In Ireland, the C word is a multi purpose term of anger for stupidity or affection for a friend. For example “Happy Birthday ya big cunt ye.” Or “What did ye do that for ye stupid cunt?”
Or online, or easy targets.
Government at work.