So glad and proud to have abandoned that wreck of a country and to be living in Spain. Here we have a government at least trying to maintain some dignity and moral authority.
Every commentator/journalist and their dog thinks with utter certainty they know how to run this country. It's only Keir Starmer that has actually achieved winning an election and stopped us looking like clowns internationally.
If the outcome is to become like reform....sorry I would rather have someone else. He is not good and should be booted. It would have been better if there was a coalition rather than clown Starmer having full control
Aligning with the dumpster fire across the pond is insane
Future is with Europe
Take mine and I will take what you value most too.
Techie cunts, not an ounce or art or lit. in them, stealing.
Take mine and I will take what you value most too.
Techie cunts, not an ounce or art or lit. in them, stealing.