If it is a Primary School, I doubt that the "Equalities" teaching programme would have covered Trans issues. So i think that she was just having a go at anyone who mentioned that LGBT+ people existed and that we can treat them equally!
Religion shouldn't be in schools anyway, and that is where the issue lays, if someone cannot separate there work from there church then maybe it is not the correct job for them.
teach not preach
There shouldn’t be special consideration for a religion. It’s either appropriate for every employer to fire someone for being bigoted or none of them. Why on earth do religions get some sort of special pass for everything.
Good! They can keep their gods mythologies in their own houses of worship, private religious schools, homes, yards, heads, hearts. But they should keep their gods worship out of the public square!
If she does not like what her kids learn in school, she has all rights to move to other school. But she has no right to impose her worldview on any other kids. Same goes with employment… if she does not like the school program, go to school.
Silly folks suppose it's about details of sex. Nope.
It's "Look at all these nice people. Why not treat them nicely?"
If you look at the guidelines we use for teaching the principles of science from the Royal Academy, we teach basic principles and don't go into detail until they're 16 to 18. Same.
They don’t even belong at Christian schools because they are against everything Jesus Christ commanded. If you can’t love and teach all children equally you shouldn’t be around children. Hateful bigots.
I read too fast. Makes little difference, very glad if she’s not directly able to slew her hatefulness at children though. And yet, I think you clearly got what I meant.
Radical view, but yeah.
And she complained about 'brainwashing' kids with 'gender ideology' when religious belief is one of the most extreme cases of brainwashing there is.
Yeah, I was being intentionally hyperbolic, but to make a point. No demographic in the history of humanity has harmed more children than fundamentalist religious folks... to the point, if I hear the term "youth pastor" I immediately think "pedophile".
teach not preach
It's "Look at all these nice people. Why not treat them nicely?"
If you look at the guidelines we use for teaching the principles of science from the Royal Academy, we teach basic principles and don't go into detail until they're 16 to 18. Same.
Inasmuch as she doesn't teach any children, because she isn't a teacher.
Spot on! Marriage was mostly tantamount to "man taking women and marking his property". Love, consent and reciprocity were generally coincidental.
And she complained about 'brainwashing' kids with 'gender ideology' when religious belief is one of the most extreme cases of brainwashing there is.