There are only 44 least developed countries on the planet. I can't understand why we would need roughly 50 employees based in the US for every poor country. Someone explain.
All blue states should unite and prevent companies from sending federal taxes to the federal government, instead requiring the states to collect and retain those funds.
Our nation is under siege! Our democracy has been stripped, and our freedom is fleeting. Big things must be done to preserve it.
When a president makes an executive order to give himself more power than the constitution or congress has granted (with a 2/3 majority). What that person is doing is called a coupe. He's removed news outlets from the Whitehouse, stong arming states, and our allies. Don't pretend not to see it!
Somebody needs to pull the wagon.
Our nation is under siege! Our democracy has been stripped, and our freedom is fleeting. Big things must be done to preserve it.