Last time I went to the doctor about symptoms that weren't in any way life threatening but we're affecting my sleep and my husband's sleep, with an exact match for a condition on the NHS website, she rolled her eyes at me, sent me for a blood test which was normal and that was it.
If you can get a doctor’s appointment!
The best doctors I’ve known left the collapsing u.s. medical system long ago.
In my town you’re lucky to get an appointment with a nurse practitioner.
I have a tip. Go to a female nurse practitioner. They're better at listening and can do pretty much everything doctors can do. Men are bad at being doctors, ime.
I did all that ,got a 'sorry I've only got 10mins ,I'll deal with the number 1 on your list (which was quite long)and left with a prescription for HRT ,still have a list for the other problems 😒
Last time I cried, bc I was desperately ill and feared losing my job due to being physically unable to do it, and asked for bloodwork, she said no and told me I needed to see a psychiatrist. For a PHYSICAL issue SHE caused. Had to literally BEG for labs.
I wish more doctors were amenable to these. A doc had me schedule a separate appt for my questions, then he asked me the same check-in questions the nurse already asked (have you traveled outside the US), and was walking out the door when I said "what about my questions" and let me ask 1.
The best doctors I’ve known left the collapsing u.s. medical system long ago.
In my town you’re lucky to get an appointment with a nurse practitioner.
Tories and Brexit wiped this out ages ago