If the Guardian wants to sack PPL in favour of 'AI' mush, surely this sort of painfully dire article is the sort of thing ripe for replacement, 'AI' would find it hard to do worse, but, no, you sack your serious investigative journalists instead... Idiots...
I love watching those people helplessly scrub salt into their pans to wash and preserve the seasoning as if dish soap didn't stop using lye 60 years ago
Yeah it's really simple, normal dish soap is grand, dishwasher tablets aren't. If you accidentally run it through the dishwasher, it takes 20 minutes max to reseason.
Even if you manage to fail to reseason, all it'll do is rust, cover it in ketchup for an hour, scrub and season and you're sorted
Some of it's even easier than that, that's why I'll admit I didn't read the article. Saw the bit about ph levels and thought "who's these twats saying that" also, what is this dishwasher you speak of?
Of course non-stick pans are rubbish. But is there anything a cast iron pan can do, that a heavy stainless steel or aluminium pan cannot? Is the answer still yes, if I don't want to cook meat?
A quick search on YouTube shows plenty of women going on about cast iron. I have one such pan and it's a bit of a pain to get used to but they last forever and they pay for themselves considering a PFAS coated pan would be done for in a year or two.
It's a love affair I started when I was a Scout leader 30 years ago...oh, the deep-dish pizza that comes out of my beautiful large lable #12 Griswold! And the stew from the dual labeled Griswold-Wagner 4 quart dutchie is a dish to behold!
Even if you manage to fail to reseason, all it'll do is rust, cover it in ketchup for an hour, scrub and season and you're sorted
Anyway, you can use soap on cast iron, tell your husband not to be lazy and wash his pans
They are not: either the pans are being soaked (unnecessary) or they were not seasoned correctly (wrote a man).
V funny article!