🙄 Idiocracy saves the day! 🤣
Arguably the most complex system on earth (US government-military-industrial complex) cannot be that fragile, can it?
Galbraith said every revolution is the pushing in of a rotten door.
😂 😂 😂
So they would never do this unless it’s a train wreck and don’t want you to know about it. If it was good you know they’d be preaching from the rafters. It’s amazing people voted for this. The real hurt is still coming.
You know that bit about the train wreck when the locomotive has just left the tracks but the train is still upright and moving in the right direction?
I think that's where we are.
It feels that way for sure. I’m not sure how this plays out. I’m still cheering a military coup. But as days go by it gets more tedious. It’s actually the same wreck and nobody can stop looking at it. 🤦
The chances of getting out of this situation without a series of disasters are impossibly low, imo.
And that's before we get to climate change 🙄...still, we have to do what we can and never give up trying!
Agree with you with your statement. I’m just confused about where are the guys in the white hats? The ones who stand up and be hero’s. The Elliott Ness, the Batman or Clark Kent ffs. It’s baffling that there isn’t anyone but AOC or JC or..I just don’t understand why this is so difficult
Sorry, but you are that person! You and others like you.
Ignore Hollywood's fluff. In reality it's just people who are prepared to go out in the street for their beliefs.
Look at South Korea. Look At Greece. Georgia (the country). Ukraine...
Well, the president itself is a felon because of dealing with fraudulent business management by inflating assets for large amount loans and deflate the same assets for tax evasion purposes. Guilty by his peers in a jury trial.🙄
The other side of that translation is that government spending fudges the numbers.
A side by side would provide the best clarity...but to date no Democrat administration has even attempted such a thing...seems they failed yet again.../s
I was waiting for Trump to screw with economic data reporting to make things look better than they are.
It is also absolutely not true at all that government spending does not create value. That just more B.S.for his clueless base to eat up.
Further, As with all other spending, government spending creates significant multiplier effects boosting economic activity. Further, government supported research creates innovations which boost economic growth and competitiveness - and has been responsible in the past for U.S. economic strength.
Is he doing what Putin wants by accident and he’s just a massive fool? Or is he genuinely being controlled by Putin? It can only be one or the other. He’s making the US a rogue state
It’s time the WORLD’S democratic leaders step up and use the surveillance intel on trump and Putin we all know they have to crush trumps fascist regime for good!
Where is the opposition in Congress? Jeffries and Schumer are either completely inept at their jobs or hostile. The fact that every single elected Republican is going along with everything Trump/Musk are doing shows how much of a cult it is.
Just like when he wanted to stop covid testing to lower the number of covid cases. Farcical Trump math. Facts don't matter. Truth doesn't matter. He only wants you to believe what he tells you. Nothing else matters.
The primary source of funding for congressional salaries comes from federal income taxes paid by Americans individuals. Every year, the federal government collects trillions of dollars in taxes, a portion of which is used to fund the salaries of public officials, including members of Congress.
Arguably the most complex system on earth (US government-military-industrial complex) cannot be that fragile, can it?
Galbraith said every revolution is the pushing in of a rotten door.
So they would never do this unless it’s a train wreck and don’t want you to know about it. If it was good you know they’d be preaching from the rafters. It’s amazing people voted for this. The real hurt is still coming.
I think that's where we are.
And that's before we get to climate change 🙄...still, we have to do what we can and never give up trying!
Ignore Hollywood's fluff. In reality it's just people who are prepared to go out in the street for their beliefs.
Look at South Korea. Look At Greece. Georgia (the country). Ukraine...
A side by side would provide the best clarity...but to date no Democrat administration has even attempted such a thing...seems they failed yet again.../s
It is also absolutely not true at all that government spending does not create value. That just more B.S.for his clueless base to eat up.
It is more and more difficult to tell the US apart from a fascist communist regime