You would be surprised. We come in such a bouquet 💐 it would shock you. We can be as light as your linen and as dark as the night but still black people 😍
I'm sorry this is so funny 😁 I Love You All!!! The deception of mere men will be the death of us. If we don't get it together. These folks have brainwashed us all. 🙄 We are all God's spirit in these skin-clothes; That's how I see you. My brothers and sisters. Yes. I recognize your skin-clothes 😍💯
Be a peace everyone and it's okay to try figure out wth! 😍 But we got a bunch of evil crap being laid out to destroy All of us! Let's focus ✨️ Do planet-rock is going to smash us all and skin color is the least of our problems. We are literally at War with enemies within coming fast and furious at Us
Yes! He's a black man. Unfortunately, society. 😕
Has thrown egg wash at us all. This life is being visual and discerning on your own. But it's just another one of them? You done messed around and found out? "They've been lying to you all this time."
But fair enough. As we grow together we learn ❤️💯
POLICE everywhere JUSTICE nowhere
•Blockade-sabotage+DIRECT democracy>EMANCIPATION
Has thrown egg wash at us all. This life is being visual and discerning on your own. But it's just another one of them? You done messed around and found out? "They've been lying to you all this time."
But fair enough. As we grow together we learn ❤️💯
No mate. Promoting an officer facing possible gross misconduct charges for killing a black man does that.