Please don’t apologize. Vance has never apologized for any of his behavior and needs to hear how the world views him. And truthfully Vance is the very definition of a knob.
What has happened to Australia's speaking truth to power thru swearing - first we were let down by Sam Kerr & now we're apologising for calling Vance a knob. What a piss weak word that is. Is this the best you can do?
To be fair, knobs are as useful as they are ornamental, and normally only turn in one direction. All qualities in which they are superior to J.D. Vance.
I realize one country's leadership insulting another country's leadership is generally just "not done" but Vance is a knob. He's worse than a knob. He's a despicable little bottom feeder.
He should have apologized for not saying: "He's the fucking most useless knob since knobs were created. He is the grand puba of knobs. The knob is dead LONG LIVE KNOB VANCE."
"KNOB" in my opinion is a perfectly accurate description for #JDVance so the Premier of Western Australia has no need to apologise.
I'll bet the Premier has one or two other choice words he can use to describe Vance, I have a few too and knob is one of the nicer ones.
It’s happening NOW. Four weeks ago there was no recession in sight.
Defund-Care Bear
he’s an utter cockwomble!
You're good bro, keep speaking truth!
"I'm sorry I called you a knob.
What I should have said was you're a stupid, pin-brained, couch-fucking, amoral, idiotic knob"
#ImpeachTrump #ImpeachVance
Fun fact: J. D. Vance isn't even his real name.
I'll bet the Premier has one or two other choice words he can use to describe Vance, I have a few too and knob is one of the nicer ones.