Clever man, will sign a provisional deal to call Russian bluff & prove to Trump that Russia not interested in a ceasefire, Trump will still do nothing + therefore further prove Trump is a traitor/Russian agent
Trouble is so much of the technology is tied up with the US, software updates etc. It will take years to get where we need to be but they're working on it.
Trump has a very different vision, incompatible with Zelenskyy’s, and that of the Ukrainians that, against all odds and despite the brutality of the aggressor’s war, continue to fight
Katastrophe! Das ist echt nicht gut. Wer ist aktuell sein Berater? Das geht nicht! Trump wird so oder so mit Russland weiter machen. Project2025 HintermÄnner sind stÄrker als Trump selbst!!!
Zelensky and the rest of the world needs to say 🖕🏾to trump
it is time the WORLD’S democratic leaders step up and destroy fascism once again!
The must use the surveillance intel on trump and Putin we all know they have to crush trumps fascist regime for good!
This makes me think even more highly of him. To be treated that way and swallow your pride to save your people takes such incredible strength of character. It’s absolute bravery.
What you say may be correct, but over these three years, the ones dying have all been Ukrainians—yes, Ukrainians used as human shields by NATO. What has NATO or Europe done? Yes, they’ve paid money. Truly ironic.
It’s a little more complicated than you think - Nato and EU have given weapons and money. If nato or eu troops join the fight then it’s full scale war on a pan European scale - that’s a bit different
It’s simply a proxy war. The crux is that the U.S. has now "strategically timed" its intervention, and Europe knows full well that without American leadership, the "shield" of Ukraine would collapse much faster. Europe will have no choice but to face the consequences it’s been dodging.
Nato couldn’t put troops in Ukraine- it’s not a part of the alliance. Money and equipment is all the west can do without starting a full scale war with Russia. The worry is that Putin’s ambitions will point to Finland or the Baltic states. Then, article 5 will be triggered
Let’s not feign ignorance about what everyone understands. Yes, when all Ukrainians are dead, Europe or NATO will have to face Russia themselves—because throwing money no longer works. Pathetic Ukraine.🇺🇦
Zelenskyy’s in a terrible position and is trying to save his country. I hate to see him grovel to a petty tyrant and sociopath who isn’t 1/100th the man he is, but I understand why he feels he must. Hopefully Europe, Canada, etc. will stay heavily involved. 🇨🇦❤️🇺🇦
Last week bravado paid out, now his fans believe he really did something to save Ukraine. He just sold it, and both sides are negotiating the terms without any regard to his whines... Funny how you people believe the US did 'help' them anytime
this isnt capitulation, Zelensky has a lot more to him than Trump....there is something behind this i'm sure, maybe an ace card Trump never knew he had?
the oval office debacle was simply setting the scene for pulling $$$ from Ukraine, manufacturing a scene to justify something likely planned months ago by Trumps boss
Of course he is. He found out how thirsty you get when you stop sucking from the US government’s teat. I’m sure the Europeans reminded him not to kill money train. I think it’s time we make NATO members increase their defense spending to 3-3.5% of their GDP.
Of course there is. The Europeans reminded him who has the money. The trouble is Trump isn’t going to make it easy on him. I’m sure Trump will change it from a 50% to 60% stake now.
Trump is trying to pull his style of a peace plan (meeting with the aggressor, with representation from those being agressed against, then rolling over, belly up, peeing all over himself like an untrained puppy in submission).
Zelenskyy isn't having it.
A statesman with a real conscience. He cares deeply about his country and the reality on the ground. He wants peace, not surrender. He is respectfully asking for support and offering Trump the opportunity to prove he is serious about peace. Will Trump play ball? Not likely.
Trump wants a deal with Zelenskyy, just for the sound bite in tonight's address. It has absolutely nothing to do with the welfare of the Ukrainian people. I'm sure there has been maximum pressure behind the scenes.
Zelensky has to put his personal pride aside sadly. Until the EU (and others) step up to fill the void they have more pressing issues than "getting even" with Trump.
The rest of us though can give the USA the finger which is what I'll be doing.
Caving in to Trump/Putin is not in Ukraine's best interest, even if it stops the war temporarily it's giving Russia the signal to do it again. If Russia succeeds what incentive will they have to stop there?
I didn't say "cave to them" ... but if placating Trump's fragile ego means more boom booms are sent to Ukraine to use on Russia then that's what he'll have to do.
Trump has two basic needs at all time
- placate his fragile ego
- appear to gain the upper hand in every interaction
He's not going to send any serious aid, he's just going to scam them with an exploitative deal and allow Russia to finish the job, you can quote me on that and call me out in the future if I'm wrong.
He is using Trump to get weapons to fight against an invasion. He did the same with Biden, except Biden didn't have a fetish for humiliating heads of state like Trump does. It's straightforward. The man needs arms so he is flattering his arms dealer.
Why do these people insist there must be some secret plan involved? The reality is depressingly simple: The United States can throw their weight around and face no consequences because that's what empires do.
Also, where does this idea that Zelenksy of all people is a political genius come from.
It takes an extremely strong & committed person to recognize that a touch of humility may be a better choice for the greater good. We stand with President Zelenskyy. He has taken a step toward peace for Ukraine. Trump continues to act like a petulant tyrant. Zelensky remains the more courageous one.
We all know he kept his fingers crossed behind his back when he said it. Peace before pride, he’s just doing whatever it takes to keep his people safe.
Be wary of the trolls under the bridges.
I am, of course, referring to President Zelenskyy.
it is time the WORLD’S democratic leaders step up and destroy fascism once again!
The must use the surveillance intel on trump and Putin we all know they have to crush trumps fascist regime for good!
Even though I suspect he knows this will mean nothing to Trump, he doesn’t have a choice.
This is how much Zelenskyy loves his country and his people.
Trump literally speaks at a grade 3 level. 🤔
He's really trying to be Trump's dog.
the oval office debacle was simply setting the scene for pulling $$$ from Ukraine, manufacturing a scene to justify something likely planned months ago by Trumps boss
Per capita it’s not the US either.
The Nato funding is different, Ukraine isn’t in Nato (yet).
Also, say goodbye to democracy.
Because Trump is an evil, petty little man.
But again, Zelenskyy made sure to let everyone know that he expects security guarantees as part of the deal.
Thinking also, that trump "big" announcement at SOTU tonight just got announced.
Zelenskyy isn't having it.
If deal goes through, Russia and USA will divide ukraine between them
Everyone talking like trump-Putin would stick to agreement… doesn’t take into consideration that trump is unhinged
Only, there is no strong leadership there.
Just moronic greedy emptyness.
Dead country walking.
The rest of us though can give the USA the finger which is what I'll be doing.
Trump has two basic needs at all time
- placate his fragile ego
- appear to gain the upper hand in every interaction
All I'm saying is he has to still play the diplomacy card.
Don't like it? Have the rest of the G20 step the fuck up.
Also, where does this idea that Zelenksy of all people is a political genius come from.