If I were in charge of the countries whose sovereignty could be threatened by the lunatics running the world's biggest, brightest, and smelliest dumpster fire, I would already have emergency asymmetric warfare plans in place, including a possible assassination of DJT, JDV and Elon
This has nothing to do with being respectful or not but everything with sttscking the democratic status quo and preparing the American general public for dictatorship and war..
Given the Tordesillas & Madrid treaties, pop., resources & diplomacy, Greenland should be Brazil’s. We're ready to bring Carnival, joy & farofada to its beaches—no one resists it with caipirinha! Global warming? No worries, we're tropical! Join us to make Greenland officially part of Brazil!
It’s not just Russia that ignores borders, the USA has now become an existential threat to Greenland, and potentially Canada. The world has been turned upside down
Greenland should just ban the trumps from travelling there. He should be banned from travel across the EU and other countries as generally he is not wanted.
This is sickening & terrifying. I’m deeply afraid for & ashamed of my country. Most US citizens stand with Greenland, Canada, Gaza, Ukraine & any other places & peoples in the crosshairs of this vile fascist administration (and deplore the GOP lickspittles in Congress). #WeHaveMetTheEnemyandHeIsUs
When U use word "disrespectful" for attack of such magnitude, U aren't ready to confront neoliberal doctrine of DT. It's extremely serious. Look 1 seconde at mixture of genres in UKR with blackmail on minerals while the country is struggling to survive. DT Club doesn't care about Greenland's opinion
Would trump require Congress and Senate approval for such an act? Or would he declare a national emergency of some kind to unilaterally do it? 🤔 Or maybe Musk has fired the Congress and Senate. (Very expensive)
In my opinion, it is not in DT doctrine to act in the literal sense of an invasion. It is a slow and progressive takeover by means of political and financial tools specific to the country which are gradually overturned to satisfy US interests. It is a mafia system.
I’m surprised that Trump even knows where Greenland is! He certainly doesn’t know anything about it other than what someone whispered in his ear. Like most children, he is easily distracted by anything bright and shiny or something he doesn’t have in his hand!!!
Ne cédez pas à ce fou nazi!
Force et courage !✊✊
Trump doesn't represent your country (but he also does unfortunately).