Awful massacres conducted by syria's government forces against the alawite population in last couple of days somehow flew over your heads, i see?
gaza is more profitable a topic, it seems.
What is even the point of being in Gaza anymore? They've essentially made the entire place unlivable. I can't imagine Hamas is very operational at this point. It's just a massacre. Why is Israel still there?
So seventeen months into a genocide where the ceasefire that ended the bombing and shooting has been violated repeatedly by the party committing genocide, and the best you can come up with is "neither side seems willing to compromise"? The moral abyss is swallowing the best and the worst. Sigh.
So tell me again how is Kamala worse than Trump on this? This is trump's 2nd term yet you're not criticizing him. I take it the Russian money is still flowing for you not to criticize him building his Gaza Resort.
"Israel is cashing in – both financially and diplomatically – on systems of control it has developed in the occupied territories. It is exporting its know-how to global elites keen to protect their privileges from both external and internal challengers." - Jeff Halper
"Global Pacification Industry"
And you wonder why people don't take you seriously. But rest-assured Hamas is sleeping nicely in Qatar while you give them money thinking you're helping.
gaza is more profitable a topic, it seems.
"Global Pacification Industry"
"Global Pacification Industry"
And you wonder why people don't take you seriously. But rest-assured Hamas is sleeping nicely in Qatar while you give them money thinking you're helping.
#1 Terrorist