Actually tearing up a bit at the thought of Greenland, with its priceless natural beauty, being absorbed into the amorphous, apocalyptic, burning wasteland that is the US…
I’m shocked that anyone might still believe he’s capable of doing the right thing by people when resources stand in the way.
Don't mess up Greenland - if you accept Trump's plans then you are done for. Greenland will become a wasteland you won't have citizenship of your own country and most likely be sent to another country. Meanwhile US billionaires make a huge fortune.
Don't do it. I really miss living in America and not a poorly scripted by 1970s-era reality TV show directed by 1970s era Soviet hacks featuring treasonous billionaire grifters and their toadies.
In no version of reality should an American President be telling another country that we are going to own you one way or another. That's a dystopian plot from C grade science fiction, not the policy of a democratic republic.
I’m shocked that anyone might still believe he’s capable of doing the right thing by people when resources stand in the way.