It's an inconvenient truth -decisions at government level in all probability contributed to the current situation now this government is trying to pretend nothing happened (future scandal # ? in the making).
'overdiagnosis' is a great critique for these guys to deploy. We've moved past beyond the point where they pretend problems don't exist to where the real issue is other people akowlegeing the existence of the problems.
It's a nonsense term. There is no such thing as 'overdiagnosis'. There is only diagnosis and misdiagnosis. This word seems to have been invented by people who want to claim there is misdiagnosis but are prevented by the burden of evidence.
So,he's saying medical professionals are doing their jobs wrong.
Best get in some kinda private company to do it.
Wonder if his boyfriend's got anyone in mind.
Trumpism, no less.
Ah, the age-old battle between culture warriors and medical professionals! Overdiagnosis or not, it's intriguing how we label and perceive societal ills. Ever thought about exploring this tension in your writing, Rhiannon?
You can't keep people with mental health problems waiting essentially indefinitely for treatment (or until they have a severe crisis) and then wonder why there's more people with debilitating mental health problems unable to work. Literally disabling people then punishing them for being disabled.
Imagine being so dumb the fact scientific research definitively proves air pollution, traffic pollution, forever chemicals, food additives and toxic waste everywhere is making millions of people ill evades their stupid little political mind.
That is a good point have we any data or research on the effects in England. Personally I really think smoking weed from a young age is a massive part of youth mental health crisis. More likely a combination
I suspect that if you went anywhere in England and did a soil test you would find layer after layer of historical industrial, traffic and air pollution, agricultural pollution and toxic chemicals.
Not enough research (but it's not a vote winner to do that), but I do agree and there's a few studies to indicate that under 21 it's potentially very impactful on future mental health. Again, needs more research.
It's not righteousness, it's sheer bloody minded wankstainery!
Tory tosser with absolutely no medical knowledge or background with a 500 majority. Pity it wasn't him that lamped a constituent; 'cos then his seat would be up for grabs and the red Tories would definitely lose.
A lot of this discussion is focussed on neurodivergence, but there are other forms of 'mental illness' and some of that is a response to living problems in my opinion. Of course that requires support, often financial, but does diagnosing always help people. I am old fashioned and believe it doesn't.
Gut local authority funding so that mental health services can't meet demand, witness a massive rise in people with mental health problems, then turn around and blame it on the people whose mental health problems you chose not to treat, because of an ideological commitment to austerity #Labour
Perhaps to be a successful politician, you have to accept, to some extent, a schizoid, black and white, position. After all in Starmer's cabinet people who voice complex views on the Middle East may already have been weeded out.
I hope some are able to continue to hold a depressive, complex understanding, whilst getting the public demand for simple perspectives. The same process seems to have been applied to journalist who increasingly counteract one view with a contrasting one. Rather then calling for more and/both.
Why would any community expect to traverse two world wars, recessions, hardships, an ongoing process of emotional maturation, confronting their own enactment of colonial oppression, an ongoing viral pandemic that does affect brain tissue and not have to factor in financing to suppprt mental health.
Compulsive-eating Streeting and his purge of vulnerable people "seems" to satiate his self-loathing masochism.
"I struggled with my faith" lol. How's that doing today?
Just like Trump, every accusation is a form of confession.
Best get in some kinda private company to do it.
Wonder if his boyfriend's got anyone in mind.
Trumpism, no less.
France is twice the size, less population, less historical Industrialisation and less related concentrated pollution
They literally smoking poison.
The problem is banning people from growing organic, natural, chemical free plants themselves legally, drives demand to the poisonous shit
Streeting remembers too, he thinks about it before he goes to sleep.
Tory tosser with absolutely no medical knowledge or background with a 500 majority. Pity it wasn't him that lamped a constituent; 'cos then his seat would be up for grabs and the red Tories would definitely lose.
Seems more like a commitment to hedge funds.
Straight out the predaTory playbook.
"I struggled with my faith" lol. How's that doing today?
Just like Trump, every accusation is a form of confession.
Tell me that's not a mental health issue for him.