Wow!! This sis really a big news to be mentioned on your opening page! Such an important and relevant news!! Please stop this clickbait affair or I will stop funding you. Thanks
I used to proudly display my Harry Potter books in my living room bookshelf. After she played FAFO, they got relegated to my closet and were replaced by The Fletch Mysteries book series. I can't do 'Love the art, hate the artist' with her.
How is this even ‘news’ ?
Couldn’t find an angle to attack trans women today ?
Sonia Sodha not available?
You constantly beg for subs but you post some of the most inane rubbish!
For someone who has a TV series coming out, she sure has been doing a great job of alienating fans of the books.
I personally prefer the HP fanfiction. Most of it is better written.
woman holds a grudge longer than trump! the cast are entitled to their own opinion Joanne. Leave trans ppl. alone and help protect women from people like the Tates and their minions.
Have you all considered not being sh*tting on trans people for five minutes?
You might realise that her "feud" is not normal.
This behaviour is not OK.
If you saw someone screaming at ex colleagues decades after they left because they don't hate a minority, the reaction should be "shut the f**k up".
That was not "an essay about surviving sexual assault".
It was an essay where she lost her sh*t over trans women existing, and equating trans women with sexual assault.
"Get facts"?
Nah mates.
You all can get f**ked if you can't even be honest enough to describe the subject of an essay that was titled "TERF Wars" in reference to _Trans_ Exclusionary being about Excluding Trans people.
Framing JKR as a victim when she is the most powerful, global spokesperson of a fascist project to capture and radicalize the women they couldn't convince to give up abortion rights is abhorrent.
"After the publication of the Cass review of gender identity services in 2024, Rowling asserted that she was unlikely to forgive Radcliffe and Watson, claiming they were “celebs who cosied up to a movement intent on eroding women’s hard-won rights”." Exactly that. Vilified more than any other woman.
Voldemort was always projection. Umbridge too.
Seriously, try reading the books again and when you read the nasty characters' dialogue, don't they sound just like her tweets?
Pure bloods gonna pure blood.
There once was a bigot called Rowling,
Who spent most of her later years trolling,
She became obsessed with the Trans,
Supported widespread rights bans,
An expert in hatred extolling.
She's insane IMHO. Builds a beloved franchise, gains global success and then burns it all down as fast as she can. All for the sake of hate? She'll be forgotten in time now.
What feud? Radcliffe, Watson, and Grint have made statements supporting trans people without mentioning Rowling. Joanne is the one who took it upon herself to reject an apology they never made and the only one making snide remarks. That’s not a feud, it’s one person’s obsession.
Couldn’t find an angle to attack trans women today ?
Sonia Sodha not available?
You constantly beg for subs but you post some of the most inane rubbish!
I personally prefer the HP fanfiction. Most of it is better written.
what has happened to the Guardie
You might realise that her "feud" is not normal.
This behaviour is not OK.
If you saw someone screaming at ex colleagues decades after they left because they don't hate a minority, the reaction should be "shut the f**k up".
It was an essay where she lost her sh*t over trans women existing, and equating trans women with sexual assault.
"Get facts"?
Nah mates.
You all can get f**ked if you can't even be honest enough to describe the subject of an essay that was titled "TERF Wars" in reference to _Trans_ Exclusionary being about Excluding Trans people.
She has a giant platform that she could use for good
Yet,Rowling spends her time attacking the Trans community and spreading hate
It really is mind-boggling
Extreme wealth rots the brain. Unfortunately, it also gives these people disproportionate power.
Yet another reason why there should be no billionaires.
Seriously, try reading the books again and when you read the nasty characters' dialogue, don't they sound just like her tweets?
Pure bloods gonna pure blood.
Who spent most of her later years trolling,
She became obsessed with the Trans,
Supported widespread rights bans,
An expert in hatred extolling.