I'm not actually sure he is trying to crush it. Instead I think he wants the prestige of being top dog at a well respected institution - bc none of his companies were ever respectable.
He really does have disillusions about his own grandeur. Unfortunately, everything he touches, breaks.
The Kennedy Center is on prime real estate along the Potomac. Perhaps he is setting the stage for a new trump tower to replace what he describes as a rundown decrepit building. Not gold enough. Not enough bling.
He can try, but he can't crush our spirits and creativity! Art comes from the heart, invoking its own venues naturally. Let's keep making, sharing and showcasing! Let's collaborate, innovate, and captivate, tell stories, make music, magic, and beauty! Let's sing, dance, and be each other's audience!
PS trying to remake the Kennedy Center into some kind of "authoritarian project" is going to have very limited appeal. It is more a theatrical show on his part.
Good luck with that as most of the Arts is sponsored by private donors, including the Kennedy Center. The federal government has long contributed very little to the Arts and under Trump even less so.
KC revised schedule:
April + May
Lara Trump
June +July
Village People
August + September
Wayne Newton
October and November
Kid Rock
Special December
The Osmonds +
Ted Nugent
Special guest host
President Muskee
+intern Tommy
Trump. Enjoy the
greatest lineup in
world history.
It will fail. The conservatives always dislike the arts, anything creative. Mainly because it’s probably the most human thing that people do. It’s not about money it’s about creativity which we all crave in some form or another. It’s also a massive industry, yet again overlooked.
. . . . wasn't it Heinrich Himmler who said. . the word "Culture" made him want to reach for his Luger.
This is Trump reverting to type. . .
. . A f#@king NAZI
americans being born today will never know democracy.
He really does have disillusions about his own grandeur. Unfortunately, everything he touches, breaks.
KC revised schedule:
April + May
Lara Trump
June +July
Village People
August + September
Wayne Newton
October and November
Kid Rock
Special December
The Osmonds +
Ted Nugent
Special guest host
President Muskee
+intern Tommy
Trump. Enjoy the
greatest lineup in
world history.