The USA has an autocratic fascist in charge who's attempting a speedrun to the pre civil rights era, and Thailand just legalised gay marriage. Recognising their progress and America's regression in no way invites a humourless scold to remind us that Thailand has a distance to go yet.
Yeah, that's what I'm doing. I've said that legalising gay marriage is a positive move, and that a leader free from legal consequences is nothing new to Americans. That's stanning for a monarchy? I get that you like to correct and scold people but nobody is obligated to humour your fetish.
I get that you are willing to overlook egregious crimes against humanity in foreign countries as long as the dictator in charge also does something that can be classed as socially progressive, but regular-ass people actually live in the places you hold up as exotic examples of progress.
Jesus fucking christ dude. All that's been said is that legalising gay marriage is a positive move, nobody's asserting that Thailand is an exemplar of the perfect society. Can you comprehend the nuanced, subtle difference between "this is better than it was" and "this is amazing, no notes"?
None of that is true about Thailand. So kindly fuck off with your "has a distance to go" bullshit when you're stanning for a fucking monarchy.
Which is a hell of a thing to say about a military dictatorship, and only proves you have no clue about the world beyond "US=BAD".