This isn’t what we all just saw. There are two voter blocs: one well-informed, that voted for Harris and is a coalition of neoliberals, liberals, progressives, leftists, centrists, union members, Reagan Republicans, and the religious left. A second, larger bloc lives on Earth 2 or doesn’t read news.
They'll never out-GOP the GOP.
Nor should they try. It's a despicable platform.
Real primary overdue.
YouGov surveyed Harris Trump policies. Removed party labels to avoid party bias. Progressive policies preferred over Trump’s.
MAGA conditioned to treat Dems as enemy rather than a coworker
I know he's not a Democrat.
Trump wasn't a Republican.
See the pattern?
You have to fight Trump "populism" with PROGRESSIVE Populism that won over Fox viewers in their den!
She is only the first victim of racism and misogyny of most Americans.
And it’s a problem for the whole mankind.
they're what the tea party rebranded from.
Never convinced that she was across the issues
While Struggling to afford rent on a Cardboard Box with No Roof!
…dangerous assumption considering Ru swatted Dem voting precincts in 5 swing states at least 60 times on evening of Nov 5-an avg of 12 bomb threats per state-most after 6pm. Not to mention voter purges, etc.
Roosevelt’s four freedoms have to be the guideposts. Freedom from fear and freedom of expression covers trans rights pretty well.
People obviously don't care about freedom.
Instead of saying "climate change" you say
"More severe flooding"
"Bigger storms"
"Less rainfall"
"We need money to help people deal with this"
Ignore the fossil fuel connection in rhetoric and just govern.
We need to re-unify the country around these ideas IMO.
That is the project.
I think we can succeed.
That is all they need to counter right wing nut corp media and far right gop propaganda like faux spews, Newsleast, oan, rsbn, etc.
Put this news channel on Infowars!
Just not from any sane source.
The Onion just bought one of them.
Deza works.
Nikita was right.
Cheka wins.
Ultimately, The message of unity,lowering prices, women's rights, affordable housing, and inhome care lost out to...pronouns. Get tf out. That was all media pandering to fear. They conveniently forgot what Biden accomplished
own feet much?
No fucking way.
Rahm Emmanuel can go F himself.
The average voter sees all of it as a sideshow.
The bad news is that biblical levels of ignorance are still really hard to fix.
There’s always a boogeyman for them
We don't teach critical thinking.
We don't teach media literacy.
We don't teach unbiased American history or world history.
We don't require Civics classes.
This is on us. It will keep happening if we don't educate our kids.
Deliberately misrepresenting "Equal Time" granted to nonsense positions as "Objectivity."
Dumbing down discourse.