I do not have enough expletives for this video
Reposted from
The Tennessee Holler
The billionaires are optimistic you guys
Fuck this fucker fucked, fucking motherfucker.
Does that help at all, my dude? My apologies if I offended.
Fuck this guy
Fuck fuck fuck!
Is Bezos licking Trump’s boots?
Well, What. A. Fucking. Surprise.
Jeff Bezo wants government space subsidies.
People, why do we think regulations exist?!? To protect the little guy so that oligarch wannabes like this shmo can't abuse us!
very reason. It's pathetic, sad and disgusting.
And of course they won't answer, because that would give away the game.
Surely, that's what he means, right? Who wouldn't feel that grateful? 🙃
UHC CEO certainly didn’t.