No—he's suing over a poll he didn't like so future pollsters considering releasing a poll he might dislike will be afraid of retaliation for doing so.
It's true his poll consumption is preposterously selective—so the Seltzer Poll would've really stunned him—but he's mostly frying future fish, here.
It's true his poll consumption is preposterously selective—so the Seltzer Poll would've really stunned him—but he's mostly frying future fish, here.
Reposted from
The New Republic
Donald Trump is suing the Iowa paper because he’s still mad about an election poll he didn’t like. The paper isn’t standing for it.
It's a particularly striking case, though. Effectively, Trump is suing the newspaper for refusing to lie on his behalf.
So if this lawsuit ends up costing DMR millions and millions, he will have made his point.
Or threat, rather.
It’s the perfect paper to sue.
Or funders.
How does one sue a newspaper for releasing a poll.
Polls change daily.
He is the puppet master of misinformation.
Judge: this is stupid, you lose, case closed
Trump is a narcissist. ALL narcissists feed off chaos around them. There is no peace for anyone.
They make crazy demands and accusations constantly.
The tarrif thing is another chaos producing incentive to torture everyone. That's all!
When you hurt the baby poop delicate feelings
Next Up:
"We'd interrupt your regularly scheduled programing to bring this Urgent Breaking News, but we might face another lawsuit, so we Wont."
This is how it started in Hungary with Victor Orban. He began to whittle away at the free press with lawsuits, intimidation, Oligarch purchases of outlets, accusing them of defamatory statements, etc.
It’s not untrue