If you know the two citations in the name of the new Elon Musk child, you're now even more concerned than before. And that's saying something. Like Trump—who's clearly a captured Kremlinist—Musk is doing nothing to hide what he is: a dangerous transhumanist cretin who longs for a Yarvinist genocide.
He’s trying to populate the earth in his image…
There's no way he allowed a woman to do that.
She was, it appears, merely another vessel for his creepy breeding kink.
That she's also his employee is a dimension of his creepiness I'm uncomfortable even thinking about, except to reiterate that he's a monster.
Befriended and cheated on Grimes to be his breeder mistress.
Now tortures animals for him at his brain chip outfit.
It's sad, weird, and nobody on the R side cares because they all wish they can do it.
Strange that they want privacy yet she when public with both kids I wonder who’s next.
She, even though silent, is an artist/photographer.
The choice between Good & Vlad.
Gold is all gold diggers think about.
She talks about the latest kid as if it's just another object.
Also, I’m pretty sure Grimes was responsible for, or at least heavily involved in, naming their son X Æ A-12.
The “h” is silent. 😁
I’m not sure why this comes to mind though. Can’t fucking place why in my memory palace. Nope.
Depopulation of America / UK and other European countries.
Said it was bullshit at the time but given Trump’s recent behaviour, who knows….
Not all people are equal and the undesirables will be sacrificed for energy production ala “goo”
Think solylent green meets the matrix.
My thought- Elon wants to rule the US - Trump is a means to his end goal. Monarchy - Elon will control all satellites and systems in US soon anyway so he has the power. He doesn’t care about people or planet, only his own need to control it all.
You really have a way with words’
Progressive Taxation
And a team of therapist
Just sayin…
They are the breeders.
Kids are the latest toys/objects to mess around with.
Lycurgus (1), a mythological personage...Homer, Il. son of Dryas, who attacked Dionysus. Lycurgus was blinded and died soon, having first massacred his family in a divinely induced madness
he was a Red (Marxist) in the day
joined Social Credit in Saskatchewan in the 30's
-preached Technocracy
Technocracy can't survive in a Democracy
accountability & regulations stifle the Technocrat's entitlement
-can only thrive in an Autocracy
Thiel, Musk - all those weird shadowy techbros are into Yarvin.
Good person to follow for updates and intel on Yarvin and his Billionaire followers is.
Maybe we should be considering turning billionaires into solvent green.
Human shield.
She sounds as drugged and as stupid as him.
He is making all these little shits with stupid names. And the when someone inevitably snuffs him, he'll have thirty fucking little goblins fighting for his fortune. And it will be everywhere all the time.
I realise how monstrous I sound even asking.
He forgot his favourite toy kid at the inauguration.
Not Creepy Enough…