Imagine that: a whole nation in which every person in a position of power—whether political, institutional or business-related—is an abject coward.
What possible reason could anyone have to think that we'll still have a democracy in 36 months?
What democracy defined by its cowardice ever survived?
What possible reason could anyone have to think that we'll still have a democracy in 36 months?
What democracy defined by its cowardice ever survived?
Numb, stupid, self serving and apathetic.
We better wake the fuck up.
I think this explains the GOP battle against "woke" more than anything.
Is anybody still reading this rag?
Remind these people WHO they work for & WHO pays their salary & expenses!
Trump & Elon also paid by taxpayers + their grifts $$$.
Find your congressional representatives, email & phone.
Find Your Representative
No longer the United State of America ..
More like, Vichy America
Now I know.
I don’t think that the US State is properly listening or even self-analysing strategically. The US is core Capitalism & that only works on exports & credit
Why do this?
Cowards one and all
They are holding on to and using the RNC emails as kompromat.
Supporting TwitterExodus costs nothing, supporting Twitter costs everything.
US Senator Jeff Merkley, Democrat from Oregon, models the appropriate way to question Republicans.
Start forming groups, consolidate, then attack trump!
Silence is consensus!!
Republicans and silence from democrats put this fecker on his pedastal.
Knock him off!!
Corrupt or compromised - there is no functional difference with respect to democracy.
Trump is muzzling everyone into a Rubio or a Lindsey Graham
Not if people just watch and wait for some kind of judge/authority to step in.