Throughout history, books have been used to fight oppression and tyranny. This poster emphasizes the importance of preserving and cherishing the spread of ideas
"You know, Phaedrus, writing shares a strange feature with painting. The offsprings of painting stand there as if they are alive, but if anyone asks them anything, they remain most solemnly silent. The same is true of written words."
yes, exactly! another great example is Bulgakov's "Manuscripts Don't Burn" in which he details his tortured relationship with Stalin, the strange fate of his stage plays, and the composition of Master and Margarita.
The answer is more complicated than you’d think. Figures range from 500,000 to one million books published annually.
However, if you include self-published authors you’re looking at close to 4 million new book titles published each year.
"Top scholars agree demons live in mud"
"Tis Atun who brings the sun."
However, if you include self-published authors you’re looking at close to 4 million new book titles published each year.