True. But is there a better way to designate the area that Russia annexed? Since the referendum on the takeover was conducted under duress it can't be considered the will of the majority of the population there.
The US has been at the center of the liberal world order since the post-war era. This world order has been founded on democracy, the rule of law and free trade. Now we see Trump standing for the opposite and attacking all of these principles.
Kruschev’s vision of defeating America without firing a shot has come true. All because ignorant fools elected a failed businessman who was also a shitty reality TV show host.
In the end, if our only remaining "allies" are China and Russia, because Drumpf perceives them as his only equals, we are in for a terrible, terrible reckoning.
And there are idiots believe it or not that think this is an amazing strategy 🤯 It’s so amazing that every single American President and person in the last 80 years never dreamt of doing it bar fucking Chump
The most hateful, nasty, incompetent, unloved, vengeful and very orange buffoon has managed to destroy this country. I can only hope that one day, somewhere, somehow and in some way, he is held accountable FOR ALL OF IT.