Round 4 of this #HangTrek .
H was the winner. There are two Hs. (I double-checked)
We're looking for a quote from the last episode I watched. 4 words of 3, 6, 4 and 6 letters.
"H E ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H A _ _ E _ A _ E!"
You see the rules here:
H was the winner. There are two Hs. (I double-checked)
We're looking for a quote from the last episode I watched. 4 words of 3, 6, 4 and 6 letters.
"H E ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H A _ _ E _ A _ E!"
You see the rules here:
Words and phrases are drawn from any and all Star Trek shows and movies.
All are welcome to vote and guess at any time. Others may appreciate a CW when you guess.
This poll will go for 24 hours.
S was the winner. There is only one S.
We're looking for a quote from the last episode I watched. 4 words of 3, 6, 4 and 6 letters.
"H E ' S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H A _ _ E _ A _ E!"
You see the rules here:
All are welcome to vote and guess at any time. Others may appreciate a CW when you guess.
This poll will go for 24 hours.