If the gold was all accounted for, they could mark-to-market the value of their gold assets (almost a trillion dollars) and use it to anchor t-bills. However, this would require an official and public audit. They have every reason to do an audit, but won’t… because… 🙈🙉🙊
The last time an independent audit was done, with results available to the public, was in 1953. Bessent’s “annual audit” is likely BS. The reason they won’t do an official audit is likely because some gold is missing, which will crater the US dollar and US treasury bonds.
I had forgotten that fuckin' zerohedge was still a thing. "Breaking!!! Advance-Fee 390-day delivery spot gold is in reverse backwardation, it's the end of the world!!!1"
Your insistence on an audit being "official", makes me think that no audit would meet your very exacting standards of how to audit a government cache of gold.
It’s strange to me how so many people blindly accept Bessent, Mnuchin, and McConnell, rather than have a firm do an audit. They are not difficult, and certainly not as laborious as you are characterizing it. There’s a reason gold has gone from $1900 to $2900 in a year. There’s a physical shortage.
same tribe?
long lost cousins?
Why am I imagining this is a way for them to steal the gold and plant the blame on Biden?
I hate that they've made me into a conspiracy theorist because they do so much terrible shit!
Also Republicans: "WE HAVE TO COUNT THE GOLD!"
Also Republicans: "If all two million of you could take just two minutes to respond to this pointless email, that would be great."