Great experiment.
People with aphantasia cannot mentally picture a an apple, for instance, but their primary visual cortex records its image.
When they try to visualize it in one side of their field of vision, they "show more activity on the same side of their brains,
Great experiment.
People with aphantasia cannot mentally picture a an apple, for instance, but their primary visual cortex records its image.
When they try to visualize it in one side of their field of vision, they "show more activity on the same side of their brains,
P.s. Many decades ago in Milan a friend had two patients who could only visualize half of piazza Duomo at a time. But there was no fMRI back then...
Unilateral aphantasia is different. You can visualize only half of the visual field you imagine you're standing in.
It reminds of Stanislas Dehaene about Oliver Sacks's book. The man who mistook his wife for a hat: "Chaque cerveau a son histoire".
I just want to make sure you saw it?
why is she also not held to that same standard?
Days ago I did a little "science" in my condo.
To Mum: "Close your eyes, think apple, what do you see". Eve & the snake,like the painting.
Upstairs to her kids: "Close you eyes, think yellow apple". A big one. And juicy (!), Yes, that one.
Mum: Golden, their favourite.