Calvin nodded in understanding. Because of his geeky interests, he knew about wormholes. Though he wasn't aware what would happen if the TARDIS were to run into one.
"So... What's the deal with wormholes? I understand they are dangerous, but what happens exactly when we hit one?"
- -
"So... What's the deal with wormholes? I understand they are dangerous, but what happens exactly when we hit one?"
- -
" The truth. It could send us right off course , have us ,crash landing into god knows what planet and could even make The TARDIS malfunction so yes , we are in danger . "
" We are seconds away ,there well is no time to waste . "
Calvin couldn't stand the rush of adrenaline he felt through his entire body. Adrenaline, or panic actually.
Without thinking, he pressed a blinking blue button. He realized that he might have messed up afterwards.
"Uhh... I may have pressed a button..."
This gave him - -
"... What does that blue button do?"
" Not the blue button , that speeds up ,The TARDIS more . Why don't people listen when I say no touching the buttons . "
Clara looked at the other buttons ,seeing which