One of the most difficult things about all this is…life goes on.
Democracy is crumbling but, I am still job hunting.
Democracy is crumbling but, I have to sort daycare.
Democracy is crumbling but, I need to clean my car.
Democracy is crumbling but, the floor needs mopping.
Democracy is crumbling but, I am still job hunting.
Democracy is crumbling but, I have to sort daycare.
Democracy is crumbling but, I need to clean my car.
Democracy is crumbling but, the floor needs mopping.
I thought about my counterpart over there who was supposed to go get hay for her horse—a regular chore—but who had to weigh that against the risk of being in the middle of the attack.
I couldn’t imagine war on American soil.
I can now.
We are capable, we were built for this.
But we also have to build new methods of resistance and new methods of coping for this new world.
And I attend organizing meetings, just like I attend church every Sunday.
And just as I plan my menus, I make plans for the worst case scenarios.
Life goes on, but we also dig in, adapt, and resist.
It’s not easy but you do what you gotta do.