Everyone needs to just calm down with the begging. Just let the man live without 800 questions a day, askin, “wHeN Is dELtAruNe CoMInG oUT?!”
It comes out when it’s ready to come out. Just let the team live, dawg 😭
You can't expect people to be chill about a game they obviously love, it's good for Toby to have all these people waiting desperately for his game to release tho, anyways you can always turn your phone or PC off, or have alt accounts to be a normal person yk, it's not like his life is ruined
toby, as a foreigner deltarune fan, thank you and screw you. i was waiting for you to post at 3 am, and the moment i fell asleep, you POSTED. seriously. is this some kinda sign??
"This thing used to be like this but now it is not" is 100% something you'd at least want to bring up, no matter how seemingly intentional it might be! Stuff like this just means they're being thorough, which is ideally what you'd want out of a *QA testing team*
I mean, after a few hours at room temperature, bacteria does start to propagate. Plus, Camellia pointed this out over on his page (followed by a joke, hehe):
There's infinitely other things to do to pass the time.
He's committed to releasing it when it's DONE.
And that's how it should be.
Rushing it out the door with potentially game-breaking bugs would ruin the fun if it breaks important scenes, deletes your saves, messes up items, etc.
For example, Wool worked like this in old Minecraft versions. If a glitch occurred that caused its NBT data to be lost, they would all turn into white wool, regardless of what color it started as.
If Deltarune worked like this, and the teas used this system, a glitch like this would be feasible
Wanting it shipped out before it's completed is still rushing it. Even good things can be broken. I'd rather it NOT be broken on release. And clearly Toby feels the same.
I can’t take it anymore Toby please I don’t know what to do with myself. I started college in the time that deltarune chapters 3 and 4 have been in development. I’m scared for what’s next
oh no im not gonna be doing anything its like a butterfly effect thing. if deltarune does not come out on specifically march 17th itll be the worse timeline
this either means the rotten tea thing isn't something that happens immediately or that every tester independently decided to not try the character tea
Toby Fox If the bug testers even thought if that was a bug that means there are no more bugs to fix I KNOW YOU WANT IT AND WE ALL WISH DELTARUNE TOMORROW TOBY FOX RELEASES THE GAME !!!!!!
I think it would be weird to leave the magic tea for later in the game because there are a million and one ways to show the relationships between characters instead of using the magic tea until the end of the game. Or perhaps it was removed because it could interfere with some future plot twist.
I really want to know if there are going to be changes made to the past chapters just to see If I should wait to replay them or if I can start now to play chapter 3 the moment It's out
For my perfect Deltarune saves I made recently, I only got Noelle Tea, then I fought NEO, realized that I couldn't get the other teas anymore, and was super mad because Susie Tea with Noelle specifically could have been useful in the future.
It would've been a lot of work to program more tea reactions with new upcoming characters in the party, is my guess. Too bad, I was looking forward to that. But I understand Toby deciding not to add that to his workload.
Or indeed, it IS to hide characters' feelings for suspense...
I do think that's a valid interpretation. Toby and his team ARE indie after all.
Though, keep in mind, you can't get any after Chapter 2. So, all you'd have to do for each potential new party member is code in reactions to Kris, Susie, Ralsei, and Noelle Tea respectively.
True, but also the healing factors might change as the characters' feelings/relationships change. That might be a lot harder to keep track of, & may add potential for a lot of bugs.
Ok, but... Undertale tomorrow? Sorry, I mean Pluey, I meant Deltarune 5 erm, I mean undertale 2 oh no, I mean rotten tea tomorrow, I mean chicken. I-I... I mean Carpet...Carpet...Carpet...Please God help me (tomorrow)
It'd only require dialogue for each party member drinking the main four's teas. Toby wouldn't *have* to add Toriel tea in chapter 3 to keep the four we already had, as long as the teas remain cyber city exclusive.
The chances of Toriel not joining the party are lower than the chances of getting the Mystery Man door 10 times in a row.
Among other things, Deltarune's files have already leaked Toriel joining the party, because party member portraits are named differently from NPC ones.
Drinks rotten tea. Gets sick in the dark world. Still sick when we leave it. Can’t go on a dark world adventure for for a week. The roaring happens because we were sick.
Genuinely good to know, thanks for specifying even if as a crazy tea lady I know tea lasts a damn long time. Magic tea however? That shit better rot before we can force Toriel vaguely psycho-dump about ralsei
is there a lore reason for this? is it evidence that the whole "the real life time that passes between the chapters is used to make meta jokes" thing is actually more canon than we thought? is rotting tea evidence for some theory? is rotting tea evidence for some kind of ducky behaviour with time?
HEY THAT'S UNFAIR, I have been collecting tea bags in my closet for months and it hasn't gotten soiled yet (i think) so why spoil tea in game ?!?!?!?! unless it's like a metaphor?
Rotten? You know what gets rotten? Food. You know who sells food? Sans. You know where Sans lives? Snowdin. You know where the ice cubes from it are taken? To the CORE. Who built it? Wing Gaster, the royal scientist !
And food being rotten is kinda like the Roaring happening, so Gaster is the Knigh
He realized that he wanted to change the tea items so that their HP values update in real time according to your actions then realized that he didn't want to delay the game by six months to painstakingly map this out so he did this instead.
People are angry but this actually confirms something. Think about it. Why would this change be made UNLESS a significant amount of new characters get added to your party in ch3/4 ooOoOOoOooOoOO
And if there’s a part where characters have some sort of change to their relationship, such as having a massive falling out, betrayal, or officially starting a romantic relationship, then they’d need to change the tea dialogue again mid-chapter.
It kills all subtlety, which is why people are still debating about what healed amounts actually mean and the characters' motivations for feeling a certain way.
the people you're talking about mistook ralsei tea healing 10 hp less as "ok so kris hates ralsei" so i don't think you can ever actually account for the stupidity of people, it's infinite
Feel like this implies the opposite actually. He had no news to share with us this week, so he just gave us a small tidbit of information about the chapters instead.
I mean, isn't it curious that this thread has been used for nothing but testing updates, and he then suddenly starts talking about something completely unrelated to testing?
my Best Guess.... i think bugtesting is pretty much done and its probably like a week to go thru nintendo, playstation, etc loopholes to get game up, or waiting until the trimester ends, IDK. Or it is in 3 years
The characters' feelings might change about each other multiple times, & other characters may join/leave the party multiple times. So that's not only tons of dialogue, but also tons of changes to how many HP it heals for each character, after each major change in feelings.
he needs it to impress his cool friend susie. he says so in chapter one, right around the part where lancer disappears for a single room before coming back with no explanation. not sure where he knows susie from though.
if i wanna get those tea do i have to buy them in the store before the queen fight? i was told there's no way to get back to the cyber world again in the castle town😭
Basically there's no reason to hold on to the teas to see how characters react to them in chapters outside chapter 2. It takes away the need to add flavor text for all the possible variables, that could be an overwhelming lot, in the next chapters
Maybe it would be a snail, teacup is the shell. I think Toriel would be a fan.
And we also see that its not the rotten tea
Our options are thinning out
It comes out when it’s ready to come out. Just let the team live, dawg 😭
Toby fox is a comedy genius!
I CAN ALMOST [Taste] THE [Savings]!!
Yeah sure lol
also what Mess said 100%
Like old Minecraft versions, where all variants of wool were the same item ID, and a value stored in the item stack determined what color it was.
We need more Deltarune to save our sanity from reality
He's committed to releasing it when it's DONE.
And that's how it should be.
Rushing it out the door with potentially game-breaking bugs would ruin the fun if it breaks important scenes, deletes your saves, messes up items, etc.
Be patient.
I would just assume that item ids get fucked when continuing from a chapter 2 save.
not exactly a strong excuse upon even a few minutes of reflection but I would still bring up with the developer just to be sure.
They might've thought items stored more data than just their item ID, and that the tea items were all one item differentiated by this data.
If Deltarune worked like this, and the teas used this system, a glitch like this would be feasible
Why would this be done apart from if we would be getting NEW party members
For my perfect Deltarune saves I made recently, I only got Noelle Tea, then I fought NEO, realized that I couldn't get the other teas anymore, and was super mad because Susie Tea with Noelle specifically could have been useful in the future.
Maybe during future chapters, party members' opinions of each other might be a bit more unstable?
Or... Mr. Fox wants us to not know party members' opinions of each other for some kind of reveal?
Very, very, interesting, either way...
Or indeed, it IS to hide characters' feelings for suspense...
Though, keep in mind, you can't get any after Chapter 2. So, all you'd have to do for each potential new party member is code in reactions to Kris, Susie, Ralsei, and Noelle Tea respectively.
I'm sure he has his reasons, whatever they are.
Among other things, Deltarune's files have already leaked Toriel joining the party, because party member portraits are named differently from NPC ones.
I was gonna give everyone each others tea at the end to see how much health it heals compared to chapter 2
And food being rotten is kinda like the Roaring happening, so Gaster is the Knigh
Source: It came to me in a dream
D E L T A R U N E .
how am i gonna chug ralsei tea now???
but that's a lotta extra work for something that would probably just become a busted mass-stocked healing item
(lol nah I know what you mean 😆)
It kills all the subtlety on character relationships
That and you would probably need to write about 20 different dialogues per chapter
Its just that trying to extend its usage for the rest of the game wouldnt be nearly as impactful.
he rots all the tea
he's just not saying they finished testing, so he can suprise us with a release trailer TOMMOROW !!!
Deltarune. TODAY !!!
pluey never existed
there is no plue
Also so the Susie & Ralsei tea reactions on Noelle are completely unused? Toby, you big TEAS!
Too much to worry about.
I mean- #DeltaruneTomorrow
RIP to everyone that spent their last dime on Susie Tea though
It's not like it has been sitting there for years, right?