YES bro- I'm currently working on my own little Indie game, and I *love* sitting down and problem solving for hours on end. Not even sarcasm. XD As long as you have enough creativity to figure out your desired end goal, you basically never get bored.
Yeah. I got so bored today that the 10 and a half hours today didn’t even feel long at all and I think I need help, I can hear the VOID WHISPERING MY NAME TO SLEEP AND DREAM DARKER, YET DARKER-
Everyone needs to just calm down with the begging. Just let the man live without 800 questions a day, askin, “wHeN Is dELtAruNe CoMInG oUT?!”
It comes out when it’s ready to come out. Just let the team live, dawg 😭
You can't expect people to be chill about a game they obviously love, it's good for Toby to have all these people waiting desperately for his game to release tho, anyways you can always turn your phone or PC off, or have alt accounts to be a normal person yk, it's not like his life is ruined
the funny part is i feel like if a loooot of people just realized this about social media and even just people in general they might even start to learn how people like toby fox turn out so successful in the first place
chill, bro, it's just a joke, isn't like this is affecting their job, actually, toby fox must spend minutes of his day laughing his ass of this comment section
the rot stage seems to progress on chapter change. if it becomes rotten tea when entering chapter 3, perhaps it will change forms again when entering chapter 4?
toby, as a foreigner deltarune fan, thank you and screw you. i was waiting for you to post at 3 am, and the moment i fell asleep, you POSTED. seriously. is this some kinda sign??
"This thing used to be like this but now it is not" is 100% something you'd at least want to bring up, no matter how seemingly intentional it might be! Stuff like this just means they're being thorough, which is ideally what you'd want out of a *QA testing team*
When the #DeltaruneTomorrow is running low
and the pLUEY start to grow
And the places that you know seem like Rotten Tea
There's a #DeltaruneTomorrow inside your #NeedRUDelta
That's still shining in the #DeltaruneTomorrow with the truth
The #NeedRuDelta in our hearts
Don't forget #DeltaruneTomorrow
I mean, after a few hours at room temperature, bacteria does start to propagate. Plus, Camellia pointed this out over on his page (followed by a joke, hehe):
There's infinitely other things to do to pass the time.
He's committed to releasing it when it's DONE.
And that's how it should be.
Rushing it out the door with potentially game-breaking bugs would ruin the fun if it breaks important scenes, deletes your saves, messes up items, etc.
For example, Wool worked like this in old Minecraft versions. If a glitch occurred that caused its NBT data to be lost, they would all turn into white wool, regardless of what color it started as.
If Deltarune worked like this, and the teas used this system, a glitch like this would be feasible
Wanting it shipped out before it's completed is still rushing it. Even good things can be broken. I'd rather it NOT be broken on release. And clearly Toby feels the same.
they've only reached chapter 3 now
Maybe it would be a snail, teacup is the shell. I think Toriel would be a fan.
And we also see that its not the rotten tea
Our options are thinning out
It comes out when it’s ready to come out. Just let the team live, dawg 😭
Toby fox is a comedy genius!
Deltarune tommorow
I CAN ALMOST [Taste] THE [Savings]!!
Yeah sure lol
10 outside combat, 40 inside combat.
Fun answer:
1997 HP.
Bugs aren't tea shaped (or rotten usually). They're normally fighting gods of Light or Void
also what Mess said 100%
Like old Minecraft versions, where all variants of wool were the same item ID, and a value stored in the item stack determined what color it was.
and the pLUEY start to grow
And the places that you know seem like Rotten Tea
There's a #DeltaruneTomorrow inside your #NeedRUDelta
That's still shining in the #DeltaruneTomorrow with the truth
The #NeedRuDelta in our hearts
Don't forget #DeltaruneTomorrow
We need more Deltarune to save our sanity from reality
He's committed to releasing it when it's DONE.
And that's how it should be.
Rushing it out the door with potentially game-breaking bugs would ruin the fun if it breaks important scenes, deletes your saves, messes up items, etc.
Be patient.
I would just assume that item ids get fucked when continuing from a chapter 2 save.
not exactly a strong excuse upon even a few minutes of reflection but I would still bring up with the developer just to be sure.
They might've thought items stored more data than just their item ID, and that the tea items were all one item differentiated by this data.
If Deltarune worked like this, and the teas used this system, a glitch like this would be feasible